We Bought a Zoo *WN*

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"Natalia," Wanda barked without any bite, her patience with her girlfriend was nearing paper thin, but at the end of the day she was just too cute to really yell at, especially when she's just excited for the prospects of the day ahead

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"Natalia," Wanda barked without any bite, her patience with her girlfriend was nearing paper thin, but at the end of the day she was just too cute to really yell at, especially when she's just excited for the prospects of the day ahead.

Natasha pouted at her, she'd be the picture of innocence too if not for the pink frosting on the tip of her nose, and the sprinkles on her chin.

"Stop eating my decorations, and start setting up the tray with the breakfast I cooked her."

"Okay," Natasha innocently kissed Wanda's lips, the touch meant to be distracting, so it was firm, she was attempting to dip her hand in the bowl of rainbow sprinkles, but the witch was always a step ahead, "Nice try kotenok."

The redhead sulked away after the red wisps released her wrist, her pout managed to be even deeper now, but it didn't stay low for long as she popped one of your grapes into her mouth, giving herself away as she hummed.

"You should have at least ten cavities with how much sugar you eat, you're a fiend Natalia."

Natasha snorted in amusement, "What can I say Wands, I have a taste for the finer things in life, if I had it my way I'd be skipping all the sweet confections, and go straight into eating the entree; skip all the wooing at the zoo."

Wanda slapped her girlfriend in the back of the head with a dish towel, her powers moved the fabric across the room with exact precision.

"Ow!" Wanda stuck her tongue out at her lover, and before the redhead could retaliate Friday was whispering, "Here's your report on Y/N, it appears she is finally stirring, and my system indicates she will be up within ten minutes."

"Thanks Friday," Natasha mumbled over a strawberry, making her lover grimace when a chewed up piece landed on the clean counter.

"Wow, I just don't understand how I landed such a stunner," Wanda sassed at the woman who met her words with a roll of the eyes, "When was the last time you cooked breakfast in bed for me Wanda? Hm? Oh yeah, never."

Wanda shrugged, an air of indifference in the gesture, "Most days you 'eat' coffee for breakfast, then complain at lunch time that your tummy hurts. Can't help the hopeless."

"Hey, I am not hopeless!"

"Update: She is awake, and heading to the bathroom," Friday cuts their bickering off, and in a split second Nat is darting towards your shared floor to ensure you don't plan to venture elsewhere, and fortunately for the couple trying to surprise you, you didn't.

*The coast is clear, the lioness has returned to her den, I repeat, she has returned to her den*

Ten minutes later Wanda gracefully waltzes into the hallway, trays of food follow her as she effortlessly manipulates them with her powers.

Natasha settles for knocking on the door, and after she heard your soft come in, she opened the oak door with a silly entrance of her head poking through a crack, "Are you decent?"

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