In Mourning *WN*

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Warnings: Distant mother(mental illness heavily alluded to but never specified), Loss of childhood, Violent/Abusive flashbacks, Grief, Misguided anger, Everybody has mommy issues here 🤷🏼‍♀️, Religious trauma implicated, overall shitty family.

Also, if you can relate—I'm sorry darling. ❤️

It was a gorgeous day, the kind that reflects how the weather should always be as the world was caught in between Summer and Fall. Winds were strong, and held a chill to them, helping to relieve the heat of the lingering sun. Leaves—both dead and alive fell at your feet while you walked through central park to clear your mind, grateful it was relatively empty as today of all days had always been hard for you.


"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear mama... Happy Birthday to you." You sang loudly, eyes shining bright as you waited for her queue.

"Baby girl, help mama out with the candles, yeah?"

You climbed into her lap, a tight fit as the foot of your infant brother dug deep into your side.

"Mama, did you make your wish yet?"

"Yes I did baby, but I have to say I have my wildest dreams come true sat upon my lap."

You giggled cheerily, placing a wet kiss to her cheek to which she reciprocated with one to your temple, as the moment settled your gaze then fell back to the small cake on the table, counting down from three before you worked together to blow them out

"Mama, how do you stay 21 every year?" You innocently mumble over the end of the number two candle, your mom's chuckles not really making sense to you but you give her a big toothy smile in response to being able to make her laugh.

"I'm immortal honey..."

"What's that mean?"

She just chuckled at your innocence again, finger swiftly dipping into the icing before she was settling it atop your nose as a distraction.

"Mama..." You whine, then before you could clean it the babies open mouth was over the mess, slobber suddenly taking the icings place.

"Joey no..." You whine even louder, squirming away from him just for him to clap at the new sensational flavors gracing his tastebuds.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry... You can have the biggest piece, it'll make it all better.." She sympathetically offered, holding back the laugh that would only serve to further your sour mood if she were to allow it to tumble out.



It was her birthday, and every year without fail you'd lit a cupcake for her, and blew the candle out, the same childish wish upon your lips:

"Please, come back to us mama..."

Not even a week later are you considering paying the woman that gave you life a visit do you receive an unexpected phone call from your baby brother. You're not big on phone calls, but your brother never called so you knew it was likely to be important.

Still, you let it go straight to voicemail while you let your brain run wild with the possibilities.

An hour later while happily watching your Sokovian girlfriend cooking lunch for you and Natasha does your phone ring off again, but this time before you could stop her your Russian girlfriend naturally lifts it up to answer it—as you all tended to do for one another.

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