Fuzzy Feeling *KB*

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Warnings: Red Room (Associated trauma), learning how to love 🤷🏼‍♀️
(Blackhill 😉💋)

"Good morning Y/N/N, would you like some pancakes?" Kate, Yelena's roommate, greeted you with a bright smile and the offer of breakfast as soon as you entered the kitchen.

There it was again... That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, almost always followed up by your heart fluttering... It always happened when Kate was just as much as nearby, and when she talked to you it was made worse. Your body treated her like she was an enemy, but all your training told you the girl was harmless, or, harmless to the likes of you.

"I promise that I made them and not Yelena...," you smiled in amusement but said nothing., "Ha ha Kate Bishop, you are just so funny..." Yelena bites back, then she grabs your attention with a shake of your shoulder., "Would you like to go with me to the store? Apparently the archer here thinks 'Annie's' is the same as Kraft, if I wanted to eat healthy I'd have a salad, not a tainted bowl of my beloved mac and cheese.," you nodded, then returned to your room to get changed, you had no intention of leaving today, but the idea of being alone with Kate made you feel clammy.

Kate sighed defeatedly as you left the room., "Why won't she even look at me?," Yelena sent her an uncharacteristically soft smile., "Give her time Kate, this is all new to her, and it'll take time for her to be comfortable with you.," Kate deadpanned., "It's been six months Lena, and it just makes no sense because we were fine the first few months. I just miss her is all."

Yelena nods in understanding, she has a feeling for what's going on with you, but she doesn't want to even mutter a word to the archer until she works with you first. It's clear as day to her that Kate's completely fallen for you, and if she is as good a spy as she knows herself to be she knows you're in the exact same boat, but with the extra baggage that growing up in the red room brings along you were likely lost.

"Y/N, can you grab a tomato? Kate wanted an apple, but I think she needs to learn a lesson.," Yelena asked you while stood in front of the dessert table, and you reluctantly did as she asked, but you also grabbed the apple too. Yelena smirked to herself when she saw you try to hide the apple on the cart when you thought she was distracted., "Thank you Y/N/N, now, after we finish up here we're meeting Tasha and Maria for lunch okay?," you nodded as per usual, but this time with a soft smile, and Yelena found herself slightly offended.

She finds and saves you, but Natasha is still somehow your favorite...

"Lena, can I ask you something?," the assassin nearly swerved when you used your voice for the first time that morning, you were always a woman of little words, and she's not sure if that's genuinely who you were, or if it's still a byproduct of being free for the first time ever., "Of course, ask away...," you swallow down your fear, and just ask., "What's love like?"

"Oh look, we're here!," she shrieks, feeling bad as she watches your shoulders deflate, but this is exactly why she brought you to her sister., "It's good too, because you can ask that to the experts.," she jests, and points to the lovebirds who were engaged in a soft embrace as they awaited your arrival, and you found yourself settling into this entirely too confusing state of longing for something so incredibly foreign.

When you exited the car you saw Natasha pull back from Maria, and she yanked a thrashing Yelena into a tight hug, then you smiled when she turned to you with her arms wide open, and left you the choice of entering the embrace. For her you walked right into it, relishing in the safety that always came from the elder widow., "Tasha and I ordered waters for the table.," Maria subtly greeted, and you reluctantly pulled back to smile over at her, then in a shocking turn of events you reached out to her for a hug, and she smiled widely over your shoulder at her wife giving her a thumbs up.

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