"Fearless" *WN*

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Over a year later, and the way you view the world is astronomically different. Saying goodbye to Carol hurt, boy did it fucking hurt, but the final culmination of all that grief is honestly greater than your wildest dreams(😉).

There's somethin' bout the way
The street looks when it's just rained
There's a glow off the pavement
You walk me to the car, and you know I wanna ask you to dance right there
In the middle of the parking lot
Yeah, Oh, yeah.

The subtle drizzling of the rain down the car windows soothes you, as you catch sight of the city lights reflecting off of the raindrops. An abundance of warmth consumes you as your ears pick up on the faint snores coming from the beautiful Sokovian sleeping against you in the backseat. Inconspicuously, you peer up into the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of the equally as beautiful Russian in the drivers seat.

Her hand was running through her hair, tousling the shaggy waves, and you were just lost in your head, imagining running your own hands through her hair. You imagine it must be soft with the amount of products that line their shower. Not to mention how long you've had to wait on her to get ready before. Completely lost in your thoughts you had missed the precise moment her eyes met yours. The subtle clearing of her throat pulled you back though, as she threw a wink your way, your eyes widened and you smiled sheepishly at the sight of being caught; judging by the crinkling around her eyes you can tell she was smirking.

A huff falls from your lips at her subtle teasing, while a light chuckle fills the otherwise silent car and she moves her eyes back to the road ahead while you shuffle that much closer to your personal heater in the back and close your eyes.

We're drivin' down the road
I wonder if you know
I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now, but you're just so cool.
Run your hands through your hair
Absent mindedly makin' me want you

Natasha drove another twenty miles before the highway eventually ended and she was instead cruising through a small town. Pouring rain had faded into a slight drizzle somewhere along the way, and since her eyes were beginning to droop she decided to roll the windows down.

The chill had seeped through the crack and made its way into the backseat where it eventually enveloped your entire body. Waking you with a shiver, and you peered down to see Wanda's completely unaffected form snoring. Leaving you to wonder how in the hell Natasha handles sleeping with the inferno that is Wanda Maximoff in the summertime.

"Natty..." You lowly whine, and Natasha curses under her breath before locking gazes with you.

Your face was blanketed with interrupted sleep, but your dopey smile helped to ease her guilt in the matter.

"Yes, sweet girl?" She quietly questioned.

"Pull over." You mumble, while gently guiding Wanda's body towards the door, and pulling her hood up so she was comfy.

"What?" She lightly laughs out, but out of curiosity she does exactly what you ask, pulling off the road, and parking besides a vast field.

She observed you get out, then rolled the passenger window down and you then peaked your head in with a smirk.

"Well, come on Natty..."

"Sweetheart, it's raining, and we still have another hour to go before we get you home. Maybe we should get back in the car, yeah?" Natasha exasperatedly states, once again doing as you said though, as she shuts her door and approaches you.

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