Renewed *WM* (2)

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Natasha took a shaky breath in, while Yelena held onto her arm with an iron grip, as she pushed the doors to the lab open. Her senses were on high alert as her gaze fell on an infuriated Tony, slamming his fists into Steve's chest. Her eyes roamed around the room for your body, but her breath caught in her throat once she noticed your obvious absence.

Yelena insisted that she got to see you, even though Natasha knew it would do no more than to further break her heart, she reluctantly brought her to the lab. Now though, she's feeling an insatiable rage take over her body at the sight of your now empty bed.

"Where is she?" Natasha coldly barks out, successfully interrupting the men and their seemingly petty arguments.

"Yeah, Rogers, please do enlighten our resident assassins on where Y/N is." Tony angrily condescends at the super soldier.

"SHIELD took her..." Steve whispers, with his head hung low.

"Excuse me?" Yelena questions angrily, as her sorrow bubbles over into a rage to match her sisters, and she takes a step forward.

"On who's orders?" Natasha seethes, while also holding her sister back and Tony immediately replies.

"Apparently our dear old pal Fury's."

Natasha's immediately dumbfounded...

How did Fury even know you were down yet?

Why would he take you without at least consulting your sisters?

What the hell is he up to?

"Guys, we can focus on SHIELD after we've handled Vision's stone." Steve says into the shared space, while receiving a multitude of glares in return.

"Fuck Vision, and his stone!" Yelena growls, as she goes to tug on Natasha's arm, but she stands firmly in place.

"He's right." Natasha reluctantly agrees.

"How can you say that?" Yelena all but whimpers, as she drops her sisters arm as if she'd burned her by her touch.

"Y/N wouldn't have died if it wasn't for the stones safe removal Lena... We have to ensure it's destroyed properly." Natasha dejectedly replies, and Yelena sighs in reluctant agreement.

"Let's go then." Steve announces, and the entirety of the team makes their way to the quinjet, well almost everyone.


Once Wanda made it to Westview her eyes were brimming with a new wave of unshed tears. It was perfect, it was a quiet town, somewhat rundown, but homey nonetheless. Once she'd pulled up onto the street her heart skipped a beat, it was just as perfect.

Wanda pulled up into the driveway, and sat their in awe as she stared at the beautiful two story house. She lifted Lily's carrier out and placed her on the hood of the car, while she herself leaned against it.

"Wow, your mama sure knows the way to my heart." Wanda brokenly whispers while she surveys her surroundings, and her gaze falls to the ring on her finger.

The front yard was rather cute, as it was fenced in to Wanda's specifications. There's an already handled garden, with a multitude of crops already in bloom, bringing a brief smile to her face knowing you'd been here recently.

As she made her way up the porch steps she sat on the swing and took in the array of decorations you'd meticulously purchased. There were bird feeders, a "Welcome Home" doormat, and so much more. She chuckled as her eyes landed on the "Beware of Witch" sign you'd placed in the window. No matter how many times she'd groaned, or told you she'd hated the nickname, she now found herself pleading with the Gods just to hear you calling her 'little witch' once more.

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