Hello Again... *KB*

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Wanda was sat in her bed, staring off into the distance in a completely stumped manner., "Sestra, what is the problem?," she turns to face Pietro with a relieved smile on her face., "Piet, I still don't understand how you survived that attack, I heard the many shots...," he smirks., "I'm just that good sestra.," then he winks for good measure, and she rolls her eyes.

She shakes her head at his deflection, he's never been the one to face things—no, that was always you. The youngest of the Maximoff's, and the one all those years ago who tried to lead them away from Hydra's reigns, but they really thought it was the right thing to do, and they held that semblance of seniority over you. You being four years younger never made much of a difference either, you'd always been the levelheaded one out of the three of you.

Now though, you've completely disappeared after refusing to help the robot that was later found out to be seeking out the end of all times. They'd pleaded with you to at least stay nearby, but you were stubborn, and decidedly left them in the dark on your eventual whereabouts. Then after everything with Ultron took place your siblings went back to search for you, hopeful that you had left Sokovia, but then they found your faux silver locket lying amongst the rubble; the one to match theirs with a photo of your parents, then one of you three, and that particular discovery broke them into pieces.

Pietro spent all of his time training with the Avengers, because had he just been better, been faster, even smarter you'd have listened. He was always the goofy one to make your pain settle with a good laugh, but maybe if he had been more mature you'd have seen him as a person worth following, and you'd still be here, training with them to become a hero as was always your dream.

Wanda was doing much the opposite, she spent her days hiding away in her room, watching sitcoms to escape the truth that you're missing—she refused to say dead, because you simply couldn't be dead, if you were she'd have felt it. After hours training as per her requirements to remain apart of the 'Avengers Initiative,' she'd cuddle up to that dingy stuffed kitten you'd always held onto whenever you were scared, and she'd mindlessly watch the screen bring to life your favorite show.

Even after months of working with them Wanda always cringed at the thought of this new alliance with the formerly sworn enemies. Pietro was never one to shy away from the new, he always fit in with relative ease, so his ability to acclimate to the team wasn't a shock to her. For the both of you it'd always been a smidge harder, even then you'd managed to do well enough, but she was always the one left to her own devices—if not for your pushy nature she's certain she'd have no social skills at all.


However—outside of Stark, over time she found them all to be relatively good people, and after they all found it within themselves to forgive her she had made these lifelong friends. One of them actually became more than that, and as she prepares to walk down the aisle she wishes even more that you were here to see it. A tear falls down her cheek when she closes her eyes, mind imagining your soft arms wrapping her up in one of your sweet little bear hugs, and she breaks down at the thought of how long it'd actually been since she had you in her arms.

It's been seven long years since she last heard your sweet voice, always singing along to those silly American songs that you'd learned from overhearing the Hydra guards stereos just to get your siblings to smile on the bad days. Wanda always admired the way you kept such a happy go lucky attitude even when the world around you all was clearly crumbling down, she reasons that you got it from your dad, he'd always been the type to go with the flow.

Wanda's unhappily pulled from her thoughts of you, but the voice of her lover settles her hurt., "Moya lyubov', it's me, can I come in please?," Wanda's quick to shout., "No, it's bad luck!," but Natasha opens the door anyways, and she approaches with a hand scratching at her neck, Wanda turns around to see her in the Widow suit, wearing an apologetic smile, and her heart once again fills with dread, but she quickly shakes it off, they were heroes first after all.

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