Please, Come On and Stop this madness *WN*

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PCOS discourse: Blood(<c>lots of it),
Moodswings/Depression, Hospitalizations, Pain, Meds-potentially ineffective, did I say pain?
Confused/ Concerned/ Misguided girlfriends, Angsty past argument/Implied Cheating. Subtle/unintentional gaslighting

Another day, another mood swing am I right?

You woke up to cold, tainted sheets yet again. As you stared blankly at the ceiling, a surge of pain rushing throughout your body you were trying to figure out how you felt about it; a part of you was relieved your lovers would not have to see you like this, the other part of you was beyond desperate for some form of comfort, and the other, other part was furious and you'd no idea what for. Well, you had an idea but you believed you'd mentally moved passed it, but the angry tears falling down your cheeks and onto the pillow suggested otherwise.

When you felt a sudden warmth between your legs, and beneath your thighs you knew it to be imperative that you get to the restroom, but the motivation to move just wasn't there for you. After another warm rush was felt you sighed, reluctantly pushing yourself up into a sitting position you felt your heart begin to race as if you'd just ran a marathon, and you had the mind to just lay back down and close your eyes. Not wanting an even bigger mess for later was the only thing that got you to even stand up.

The bathroom was only about three steps from the bed, but in your condition it was more like a mile run, every step you took was terrifying, missions where landmines were a possibility never even scared you this much, and though that's pathetic, it was your unwavering truth. Sighing as you looked back to see the floor free of mess you walked the last couple of steps to the toilet, you laid a throwaway towel down, then dropped your soiled clothes onto it before slipping into the shower as quickly as you could which proved to be a mistake when the world began to spin, and you violently fainted.

Up until about two months ago you'd had this all under control, your girlfriends of five years hadn't even known of your lifelong diagnosis, and for the most part they still don't, but they have definitely noticed the changes in you, and they were displeased to say the least, confused was their middle ground and fed up their truth. Natasha was an incredibly doting girlfriend, and Wanda had been much the same at first, but over time her sympathy had run out.

After just a month of your antics she had began to think you were just being dramatic, she has periods every month too, and so in turn she'd convinced Natasha much of the same. Though you'd definitely expected more understanding, you also couldn't really fault them since you'd never given them the entire truth to begin with. Suffering in silence had always been the name of the PCOS game anyways since most medical professionals had no real long term solutions.

Birth control, and half baked articles about extreme diets were all you had to run with, and even then nothing was ever 100% foolproof. Still, after you started bleeding one random morning in July you realized you'd fucked up. You'd never dialed a number faster than you did when calling up your OBGYN and trying to set up a birth control consultation as you knew how dire it would be if you didn't stop this now. Sadly you were left to manage it on your own until the second week of August rolled around.

Bewildered you began to backtrack to when it all went so wrong, you'd been so good, you'd kept up with your shots for so long it was a bit shocking to you that this had happened at all. You realized you'd just gotten too comfortable, no periods had been a luxury you had taken for granted; with the stressful wedding planning for Tony and Pepper you'd been hired for, plus with your own plans to propose to your girls you had become distracted.

Somewhere along the way the stress of it all had just caught up to you, throwing you into an unwelcome menstruation, and here you were back to bleeding profusely; it was as if an ever flowing waterfall now resided between your legs, and if you were extra lucky the rocks would flow right on through your stream too.

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