Misguided Connections *WM*

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Wanda Maximoff, the absolute love of your life, turns out you no longer were the focus of hers. From the moment Vision had been "born" you'd been fighting to keep the attention of your longtime lover. It was as if she'd been magnetically drawn to him, and you no longer had any pull on her. So, when you caught them locking lips that fateful night in June, you'd got all the confirmation you needed that it was over.

Silently, you'd moved all of your belongings back into your old room, and spent the next few weeks avoiding everyone. Wanda never really even noticed your absence, until one night she'd rolled over in bed to reach for you and she came up empty. She immediately sat up when she felt cold sheets, then once the sleep no longer clouded her vision she'd realized you and your belongings were gone.

All that was left of you was the frame of you two smiling like love sick teens on your second anniversary. She'd began to hyperventilate at the prospect of you leaving her, never once did it occur to her that you'd found out about Vision and hers sinful affairs. The last thing Wanda ever planned to do was hurt you, you were her everything for the better part of the last four years. She'd planned to marry you one day, and to have a never ending line of children with you, just to see how many variations of you she could have running around the house.

"Friday! Where's Y/N?" She questioned, still in a state of shock.

"It appears she's returned to her old room as of two weeks ago." The AI replies, almost condescendingly.

Had it really been that long?

Wanda's heart dropped, as her mind was now tormented with the idea that you'd obviously seen the kiss. It was honestly the first kiss the pair had shared, but she fears you'd believed it had been going on for longer, and she couldn't blame you.

She sprinted down the halls, desperate to get to you, but she stopped at the end of your hall when she'd seen you leaving your room. You'd had dried tear track on your face, with a plush blanket wrapped around your slumped shoulders and were carrying an ungodly amount of dirty dishes in your hands. You'd looked so broken as you approached the elevator, and Wanda's heart shattered as she clearly knew it was her fault.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your watching eyes?" You bitterly question the woman, and she cursed herself for forgetting your roots as a spy.

"Y/N I—."

"Do you love him?" You brokenly questioned her, and she was stunned into silence at your bluntness.

"I-I don't know what I feel for him Y/N, but God, I do know that I love you, so very much." She desperately pleads her case, as she takes a shaky step towards you.

"Please, don't! I know you love me Wanda, I do, but that doesn't mean anything anymore. You cheated on me, and didn't even notice I was gone until he's now left for a mission. I know now that my love wasn't enough, I'm not sure why I ever fooled myself into believing it would be. It's okay—truly, just please don't flaunt your budding new romance in my face, that's all I ask. I love you Wanda, I meant it when I said forever, I hope he makes you happy." You relay, not really giving her any room to reply, as the doors to the elevators shut in her face, and she instantly collapses in on herself in a fit of sobs.

"Maximoff, shut up, and get off my floor before I pummel that pretty little face of yours. I won't hesitate to rearrange it." Yelena growls out from two doors down, having now officially found out why you'd been so distant lately.

Wanda shakily gets to her feet, and heads towards the elevator, but opts for the stairs instead as Yelena continues speaking.

"I'd go before Natasha reads the message I just sent her, because she's even worse than me. I'm holding back for Y/N's sake, but she won't."

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