Puppy Love *KB*

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Kate watched you as you danced, her eyes were stuck on your body as it swayed along in perfect rhythm to the beat of the salsa music., "Kate Bishop, you're drooling.," the raven haired woman glared over at her best friend who met her with a petty little smirk., "What?"

"I-Is it so obvious how infatuated I am?," she stuttered worriedly, the last thing the up and coming Avenger needed was for her "silly little crush" on you to get in the way of this weeks mission., "Painfully so Kate."

"I just can't help it.," she groaned pitifully and was met by chuckling—you were perfect in every sense of the word., "She's gorgeous."

Kate had taken a liking to you from day one, she stuttered through her introduction of herself, even offering you your own name back in lieu of hers because she was that nervous. Not only were you Natasha and Clint's more recent protege, but you were breathtakingly gorgeous, and apparently another mentor. Even if you were only a few years older than the girl, you'd learned the ropes, and elevated with Shield rather quickly before Avenging.

Yelena truly felt bad for the girl, she was nearly as clueless as Fanny was whenever she faked throwing her toys for her own amusement. There was no doubt in the blonde's mind that you shared in the infatuation, especially when she found out that you begged Fury to have her be your direct partner instead of having Kate.

Dancing was usually an intimate entanglement, and it was clear if you'd been partnered with Kate you'd likely stumble in the process of learning the salsa. The blonde has trained with you all week thus far, but today she had plans to speed this painstakingly slow love story along between you and the archer., "Oh no."

Your feet stilled when you heard a thud that was then followed by Yelena's pained yelps. When you turned around you saw the blonde on the ground, clutching her ankle, and your eyes went wider than you believed possible., "No, no, no! Yelena why?!," she deadpanned., "Oh, I don't know Y/N Y/L/N, maybe because I thought twisting my ankle would be fun!"

Truth be told she really did find this funny, because it's only a bit of plaster covered in paint over her intact ankle to give the illusion of immediate swelling. On the plus side she was likely to be babied by her older sister, and could reap the rewards of unlimited ice cream.

"What about the mission?," you shrieked, and you saw a glint in Yelena's eyes that spoke of trouble., "Kate knows the dance, she's already going on the mission anyways, so I'll have Nat take her place with Clint, and she'll take mine."

Internally you were planning the blondes murder, that sounded far too prepared to be an on the spot idea for her of all people. In the moment you were about to call her bluff, but then you met the eyes of the slightly younger woman and suddenly it wasn't all that bad an idea. Kate smiled nervously at you, her hands fidgeting like crazy as she attempted to speak., "I'm not the best, but I'm sure if we practiced together now I'd get the hang of it quickly."

"Then practice we shall.," you offered, with your hand now extending out for hers. Kate took it without hesitation, and you held back a giggle as she accidentally kicked Yelena's "bad" ankle, and the blonde nearly gave herself away when she refrained from screaming in pain until she remembered., "Ow, Kate Bishop, how could you do this to me? The pain is painful."

"Are you ready?," you turned to Kate, smiling so softly that she could feel her heart melting at the care you were showing her., "Yeah, I am."

"Good, because it's showtime baby.," your lips upturned when her breath hitched as your hand slipped into hers so smoothly., "Just follow my lead love, and it'll all be fine.," you pushed through the doors of the ballroom, and escorted your—mission—partner to the floor.

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