A Trick Question *V* 🥵

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"You've got to be kidding me! Val, that's my cousin!" You shouted exasperatedly, this repeat argument was starting to take a toll on your mental health, and your physical wellbeing.

"Well she looked at you as if you weren't hers!"

There was not even an ounce of sarcasm as she yelled back at you, she was dead serious, and you were honest to God taken aback by her boldly believing in her delusional eyesight.

"I'm not doing this right now," you decided, with a swift hand you snatched up your keys, and took off before she could try to stop you.

Valkyrie was frustrated, she couldn't quite understand why you didn't see it yourself. Sarah might be your cousin, but the way she spends half of her time staring at your chest when you speak, it's clear she doesn't care about the blood that ties you to her, and that alone leads Valkyrie to consider homicide.

No one will ever touch you again, she would never allow a beaut like you to slip from her grasp, but for now she'll let you blow off some steam, and when you return she'll do the same.

However, after you were gone for an hour she began to feel uneasy about your disappearance. It was already beyond 11pm when you took off, and now it was nearing 1am without a word. Every call went to voicemail, her texts read as delivered, and your location was stalling in place around the house, telling her you're likely in airplane mode, and it upsets her greatly that you'd be this careless with your own safety.

Valkyrie's hands tensely gripped onto her glass, the remnants of her scotch swirled around the bottom as she lifted it up to her pursed lips. The only thing that stops her, as she slams her empty glass down and it shatters, from calling her New Asgardian soldiers is a key in the lock.

Valkyrie slipped into the kitchen, and watched you enter the house with tense shoulders, but she saw that once you looked around they fell.

"Where were you?" she reveals herself, and you jump back, hitting your head on the front door.

She knew where you were all along, you turning your phone off forced her to check on your tracker in your neck, and she saw you were up the street at a lookout with Thor as your backup. Because not only had she tracked you, but she sent her men out to surveil you, and report back to her with any developments.

"At our lookout," you candidly replied as you slipped your jacket onto the hook, "Thinking."

Valkyrie hummed, "Interesting," she stepped closer to you until your back was against the door, "I was left here worried sick, and you were just up the street thinking, what about?"

With a trembling lip you answered, "Us," you gulped before you went on, "I think we sh—."

Valkyrie raised her hand up to restrict your access to speech, "I agree baby, we should shut your brain off, you're too pretty to overthink."

The oxygen deprivation left you dumb, because when she asked for permission, you nodded, "Good girl, look at you being wise," she smiled sweetly, but her lusty eyes dared you to run.

But the sad thing is, you knew that even if you could, you wouldn't, you'd never leave her.

Valkyrie ripped your clothing off of your body without a care in the world their significance.

Before you could protest the loss of your moms vintage shirt she'd manhandled you off the ground with two strong arms underneath your dreamy thighs, and with her tongue already buried in your cunt she slammed you onto the kitchen table. The sound of slapping echoed in the kitchen along with your subsequent wince.

The centerpiece vase also fell, spilling the surprisingly cold water all over, causing you to squeal when it pooled against your heated skin.

Valkyrie ate you out endlessly, if you asked her what her dream job was she'd say keeping you warm; sounds innocent enough, but with the fire radiating off your body it truthfully wasn't.

It was after about the fifth orgasm, your legs trembling so hard around her head that she finally came up for air, the sight of you looking so lost in the haze made her cock twitch with desperate need, she gasped and with breathing in pure air over your intoxicating arousal, well it helped her to remember her neglected body.

Valkyrie slid your abused body up until you were centered on the table, then she decided to test Asgardian furniture producers because she climbed on top, and hovered over you in an almost menacing manner, her grin was scary, "Daddy's going to fuck you until you're no longer planning on saying silly things."

With your thighs to your chest you watched as her dick entered you with one brutal thrusting of your forced lovers hips, "Fuck, don't you see, this slutty pussy was made for me, no one else," her grunts continued to brainwash you into a state of serenity and agreement; hope was lost.

"Now, you're going to block Sarah, do you understand?" You didn't. But that didn't stop you from nodding so she'd continue to fuck you, the feeling of her still cock inside you was torture, especially when her appendage grew tired of waiting as it twitched you into a mewl.

"Good girl," she rewarded you with a sloppy kiss, and a brutal half minute of thrusting.

"Daddy please, don't stop," you sobbed, like genuine tears trailed down the sides of your head and mixed with the sweat in your hair.

"Tell daddy, who does this pussy belong to?"

Not you! "Daddy"

"What about your heart?" she slid out of you, eyes trained on your trembling lip, you were struggling to answer, but no worries, she would help with a set of powerful thrusts, "Daddy!!!!"

"Your heart rests in the palm of my hands baby," she pressed a deceivingly tender kiss to your lips as she picked up a steady pace that had you once again forgetting your situation.

Valkyrie knew how to work your body, she bit your pulse point every time she was nearing her own release, trying to time your orgasms because the thought of that felt romantic to her. An uncanny tie to your soul as she steals a piece of it from you with every moan pulled.

"That's a good fucking girl," she grunts directly into your ear as she felt you spasming around her, then she's panting again as she moves in and out of you with even more hip power as your cunt tried desperately to still her weapon.

"I'm not stopping until I know you're good and full," she grunts, the overexertion here enough to tire her advanced physique out, but not to stop, "You'll be pregnant with my seed baby, a little pouch of it to pudge out your stomach."

She laughed rather maniacally, "Then you'll soon enough be pregnant with my heir," she choked on her words as she once again came, your walls were thickly layered in her seed, and so she added to it, causing a massive gush of it to return to her thighs. So in awe at just how much she's produced she failed to see you'd officially gone limp on the bed, a total KO.

"Well, I think you're full baby," she laughed, but at your lack of response (the anticipated whimper, of need or plea she didn't care) was had her twist her head to see you clearly, "Oh."

Valkyrie moaned shakily when another wave of arousal came over her, "I can't believe I fucked you to sleep," she almost moved to act on her throbbing cocks behalf, but then she felt a strain in her shoulders that warranted sleep, and so she laid her body atop of yours, she sloppily pecked your lips, "Sweet dreams my Queen, we'll be wed by the end of tomorrow."

1,334 Words

❤️ Kaitlyn 🥵

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