Stay, Stay, Stay *YB*

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I'm pretty sure we almost broke up last night
I threw my phone across the room at you

A heavy groan left your lips as you thrashed around in your bed, the previous nights fight running through your mind having been what kept you up, and so you slam your fist into the empty pillow beside you frustrated at her absence. Sure, it was you that banished her to a night on the couch, but most of you'd hoped she would have snuck in to mend things, but you also knew better than to expect that.

This morning I said we should talk about it
'Cause I read you should never leave a fight unresolved...

Yelena required guidance, not silent hoping on your end, and so now you found yourself taking the next step: "Come here, we need to talk.," though the message looked daunting you still pressed send, then sat their anxious as ever.

On the other side of the door the blonde too was a ball of nerves, the fight was so silly, and she couldn't possibly fathom losing you over the improper way that she discards of her coat and shoes when entering your apartment. Whether you liked it or not though the blonde was ready to duke it out all over again if you were going to even propose a separation.

Yelena twisted the nob to your bedroom door, entering quietly to find you sat there with wide eyes., "Yelena, what the fuck are you wearing?"

"My combat suit.," her nonchalant nature only left you more puzzled., "Why?!," she smirked, though you couldn't see it under her mask., "You wanted to talk, right? Well, sometimes you like to talk with your hands and I was just preparing for the inevitable.," you groaned in faux annoyance, throwing the pillow at her, then chuckling when she slapped it away with her baton., "See, it really comes in handy."

"Yeah, well I'm not talking to a fucking alien!," the blonde cackled as she removed her mask, taking another look at it before rolling her eyes as she faced you., "At least I'm a hot alien."

Yelena slipped out of her suit, picked up her pillow, then quickly joined you in the bed. Every bit of her calmed when you made quick movements to settle atop of her, and she was actually appreciative of the silence, even if you called her in here to talk; cuddling was enough.

The reason you'd even picked the silly fight with her last night was because you were angry that she'd be leaving you for a month long mission. It'd been so long since she had to do that, and you stupidly grew used to her being around, even when you knew it was always a possibility. Now, while you halfway lay on her you realize all you did was miss out on a last opportunity to snuggle, and it made you sad.

"I don't want you to go.," you were so tired from your restless night that the honesty just came tumbling right on out., "I'll be back.," you shook your head., "You don't know that Lena."

"I'll always come back to you detka.," she lifted your head so that you could look into her eyes., "There's no way I'd die and leave you alone.," she gently tilted your head down so she could place a reassuring kiss to your forehead, then she tugged you closer, holding you as you softly sniffled until you eventually fell asleep in her loving embrace., "Together forever detka.," Yelena fell asleep too, with a calm smile on her face to combat the heart racing in her chest.

Before you, I'd only dated self indulgent takers
Who took all of their problem out on me, but you...

Yelena was exhausted as she made her way into her house, flicking on the light only made her want to cry as she surveyed how sad her place truly was. This month was beyond grueling, and even with the mission being a success she felt an unfamiliar emptiness. She'd never dealt with separation anxiety before, but after Kate filled her in about it on the long flight back, and with the dull, yet persistent ache in her chest she knew that's what she's experiencing.

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