"The Other Side Of The Door" *YB*

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Yelena was tired, like genuinely exhausted after the month she'd just had, full of nonstop missions with her sister. Tonight, all she'd wanted was to enjoy a night out with her girlfriend and accompanying friends. Instead, she had an hour of blissful conversations over a delicious meal before it all went to shit. Her dearest friend—Kate Bishop, decided to laugh far too loudly at her joke, and place her hand on her chest for longer than necessary.

"Y/N! I'm allowed to spend time with my friends!" Yelena groans as you both enter her apartment, her patience with this repetitive argument now wearing thin.

"Yeah, Yelena, you are, but not when said friends are literally undressing you with their eyes. Literally getting handsy right in front of me, and to be honest you didn't seem to really mind it at all!"

"Y/N, I love you, you're the one I choose to come home to."

A loud scoff falls from your lips as you can't find it within yourself to hold back anymore.

"You've been back from your week long mission for less than five hours Yelena, and instantly you were planning a night out for us. Not to mention, inviting the girls who are clearly infatuated with you. All I've wanted was to cuddle up with you and Fanny."

"Jesus Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that you're all that I want before you believe me!"

"Maybe when you do something that lets everyone else around you know that too!"

A tense silence falls around the both of you, Yelena's gaze is glued to the ground, and her lips are clamped shut.

"You know what, I've had enough Yelena, you're just disregarding my valid concerns, attempting to placate me with baseless phrases of affirmation, but you know actions speak louder than words Yelena, I'm going home!"

"Detka, please don't leave, we can still work this out..." She dejectedly whispers, attempting to grab at your arm, but you manage to slip right passed her.

You stood outside of her apartment door, anxiously anticipating her to run after you, to wrap you up in her strong arms and show you just how much she really does want you.

After ten minutes though, you'd officially lost hope and instead chose to walk home. Paying no mind to the incessant pinging of your phone, or the torrential downpour that had been soaking you through your clothes.

In the heat of the fight I walked away
Ignoring words that you were saying
Trying to make me stay
I said, "This time I've had enough."
And you've called a hundred times
But I'm not picking up
'Cause I'm so mad I might tell you that it's over

Going home had been the original plan, but then you worried she'd show up there, you weren't necessarily ready for that so you instead settled for the bar.

Johnny saw you walking in, and had immediately began to pour out a set of shots for you, having been through this with you many times before. A silent nod of appreciation is thrown his way before you throw the collection back, then make your way to the restroom to assess the damage.

The people of the bar expecting to have access to the all inclusive single stall would just have to wait. You crouched, careful not to allow your clothing to drag across the floor of the bar's restroom, while allowing the hand dryer to at least lessen the dampness of your locks.

Once satisfied enough you took a good look in the mirror, wincing at the returned reflection, before fixing your outfit, and reapplying your products in an attempt to hide your clear misery.

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