Bad Idea... *WN*

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Pietro and Yelena were truly menaces to society, and more specifically to the peace of anyone that resided within the compounds walls.

"Speedy, would you like to help me to prank our sisters on this glorious holiday?" Yelena approaches the Sokovian man while he's currently alone in the kitchen.

"Blondie, I thought you'd never ask." He chuckles darkly, and they head off to set their devious plans in motion.

The target of their primary attack?

Well, none other than you—of course.

The sweet girl that completes the trio of opposites attract girlfriends: Natasha was the broody, athletic lesbian, Wanda's the gentle, cottage core pansexual, and you're the extremely sweet, innocent (y/s). Unfortunately, you're the perfect target between your naivety, and your common link with their sisters.

The two created distractions in the form of simple pranks all around the compound. Everyone would know something was up if they hadn't, as it's April Fools day, and Yelena and Pietro would never miss out on a free day to fuck with people.

"Who the fuck put adhesive spray onto the outside of my shield? It nearly cost me the mission when it stuck to the back of my enemy." Steve shouts as he enters the compound.

"Language!" Tony shouts from the kitchen, entirely amused that the troublemakers were already able to piss Steve off this early in the morning.

Pietro chuckles, diverting all attention his way, while Yelena moves to collect you from the couch.

"Y/N/N, can you help me with something in the garage? Your hands are so much smaller than mine, it would be much appreciated."

"Only if you share some of your mac and cheese with me." You playfully remark, as you stand up to leave with her.

She'd give you anything you asked for after what she's about to do..

"Of course, I'd share with you always." She genuinely replies.

As you make it to the garage you're puzzled because nothing really looks out of order. You went to turn around and ask Yelena what she was working on, but then your whole world went black.

Coming to, you found yourself strapped to a chair, with a bag over your head, somewhat muffling the voices around you. Anxiety flooded your system, as you're now sat here worried about Yelena's wellbeing.

"It appears someone made this easier on us."

"The witch and widows most prized possession, wrapped up and ready for transport and we didn't even have to lift a finger."

How did outsiders even make it into the compound?

Back at the compound, your girlfriends were looking all over for you.

"Friday, where's Y/N?" Wanda questions, an air of concern present in her tone.

"Y/N was last with Yelena in the garage, but I haven't seen her since. Yelena's currently with Pietro in the common room." The AI responds.

"De'rmo.." Natasha whispers out, as she reaches up to smooth out her pinched brows.

The redheads scurry off to find their siblings, fearing the absolute worst, and being met with just that.

"You little shits better start talking right now!" Natasha seethes, as she enters the room and lifts Pietro by the collar of his shirt.

"Natasha, calm down, what is it that has your panties in a bundle?" Yelena exasperatedly states, before squeaking at the sudden pressure on her body.

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