I Wonder, Can I Have a Taste? *FP* 🥵

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Warnings: Jealous Flo, Insecure Flo / Reader. Mixed signals (Flo -> R!)
Smut: Oral (Reader), Strap-on (R), "Blow-Job" (Flo), Mommy (Flo), Angel (R), Marking (R/F)

Florence had been a bit anxious about going to the Netflix premiere of Wonder alone, and so she was beyond thrilled that after only a tiny bit of pleading you'd agreed to go with her

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Florence had been a bit anxious about going to the Netflix premiere of Wonder alone, and so she was beyond thrilled that after only a tiny bit of pleading you'd agreed to go with her., "Y/N—darling, are you almost ready to go?," Florence shouted back towards the door of the hotel bathroom while looking herself over in the vanity mirror, smiling in pure amusement when you finally shouted back a labored yes. This was only ever meant to be a pitstop to change out of one fancy set of clothing, and into another. However you're not Miss. Hollywood so it takes you just a smidge longer to change outfits. She didn't really mind though, she would take your slow as a snail pace over being made to go alone any day.

"Shall we go then?," she turned around with an excited expression at the sound of your voice. Beautiful eyes of hazel gave you a slow once over, and you shyly looked away when they'd finally made their way up to yours., "You look stunning Y/N.," Flo complimented, thoroughly enjoying the way you were doing your best not to fall apart at her words. She meant it too, you were wearing a two piece to correspond with hers, it was two toned, and split down the middle, with hers coming in black and creme that alternated sides with each different piece she had on while yours did the same but it came in two complimenting shades of green.

"Let's go.," you groaned playfully as you took in her smirk, Flo was quick to link her suited arm through yours, and then the both of you made your way down to the car., "Seriously Y/N, you look beautiful.," the blonde reiterated, you'd continued to keep your eyes downcast but she still saw your sweet, shy smile., "You look lovely as well Flo.," she smiled and squeezed your arm in thanks before opening the door to the awaiting car for you, and then she herself scooted in right after for the short drive.

Florence smirked to herself when you were doing your best to avoid looking at her, your gaze transfixed on the beautiful NY city skyline. She'd always loved how easy it was to tease you, your reactions were just so darn cute, like whenever you would whine or shove her away. Flo absolutely adored you, and if anyone were to ask she'd say you were her favorite person. That pretty face and angelic nature of yours only urged on her need to tease you, and as much as she loved to tease, you hated it just the same, to have the woman you were beyond smitten with playing upon the feelings you had for her was never really a welcome experience.

However, you knew for Flo it was all in good fun, it's likely she'd failed to understand just how much you'd wanted her to mean it over the years, or just how devastated you'd been whenever she would leave a party with another. John, her driver, would always drop you off first while she sat in the back making out with someone new, and you'd enter your apartment broken every single time. After each time you sillily convinced yourself it might be different. That this time when Flo danced with you to the sensual beat that is was for you, and not to pull the gaze of another—but it never was different.

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