Heated Hands *CD*

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Carol never meant for it to happen... She never should've gone out drinking, nothing good ever came from her and unlimited shots of patron...

You'd spent your entire night at the compound with your sister's—Natasha and Yelena—while your girlfriend Carol was out for drinks with her closest friends—Valkyrie and Maria. It shouldn't have been a problem, but it turned into one when you returned to your shared apartment at around 1AM. You wouldn't have even returned had it not been for Fury calling your sisters for an impromptu mission in the early morning hours.

"Hello darling, what are you doing up?" You nonchalantly question your girlfriend, having honestly expected her to be in an alcohol induced slumber by now—apparently that was the wrong thing to ask.

"Why do you ask? Trying to sneak back in unnoticed, huh?" She venomously questions you.

"No? What are you on about? I was at the compound with —."

"The witch? The one that I've repeatedly told you has eyes for you? God, you're blind." She shouts as she starts to pace around the living room.

"Carol—for the zillionth time, I'm with you! I want you! Even if Wanda did want me, she's never once overstepped a single boundary, and I've never once flirted with her. This arguments becoming exhausting Carol..."

"You didn't deny it... So you were with her?"

"Carol, I didn't need to deny it, because I have every right to see my friends. Now, as I had been saying, I was with Natasha and Yelena!"

"Liar! They're on a mission! Maria got called away for it too!"

"That's why I'm home Carol! We'd planned a sleep over, remember? They dropped me off on the way to SHIELD. How drunk are you?"

"The compound is closer than the bar, your story isn't adding up."

"Oh my gosh... They had to get ready first! We were in our fucking pajamas, so they had to suit up, and prepare their arsenal of weapons."

"Stop making excuses! Tell me the damn truth for once!"

You sigh exasperatedly, while rubbing at your temples, entirely too tired for this familiar argument.

"I'm going to bed, you can take the fucking couch, and we can have this same conversation in the morning when you're sober."

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" She shouts, and it's then that you finally look her way to see that she's completely glowing.

"Carol, calm down..." You croak out, honestly terrified beyond belief, having only ever seen her like this on missions.

"Calm down?" She questions humorlessly.

"How can I calm down when my girlfriend is whoring herself out?!" She shouts, while waving her hands around crazily and hitting your chest with a surge of energy from across the room.

The surge knocks the wind out of you, leaving you temporarily immobilized, and causes your voice to fade out.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" She bitterly chuckles out in question, while her powers continue to surge, and you now realize how screwed you are.

Widow's are smart, coordinated, strategic, amazing marksman, their skills list is honestly endless. You just never expected to need to be a Widow with your girlfriend, and now it's too late, either she's going to calm down, or you're going to get hurt.

"Car-ol, baby, calm.." You choke out, attempting once more to get through to the rational part of her.

"Don't call me baby!" She seethes, surging forward and hitting you full force—directly in the chest, with both hands consumed by her energy.

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