Everything Has Changed (3)

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Disclaimer: AU, MobWives! Wandanat x Reader, MobWives! KateYelena x Reader (Platonic), SecretRivalMob! Carol x Reader (brief)
CoffeeShopOwner! Reader /
TrustFundBaby! reader


I took the long way home, choosing to walk around the city of NY for a bit to clear my head. It's really a rarity for me that anyone shows an interest, and that's mostly because I don't put myself out there. I've been so caught up with the what could be at home, that I don't look around me.

At about 5PM I find myself walking into my building, and making my way to my personal floor. I take a few deep breaths, then stroll through the door briskly to avoid any confrontation. Natasha's bound to want to talk about my attitude this morning, and more so now that Yelena's apparently confronted her. I vaguely hear the calling of my name, but I choose to go straight to my room and shower first.

Nat's POV

I heard the door slam, and immediately jumped to my feet in an attempt to talk to Y/N.
I see her practically running to her room, and I notice she has shopping bags in her arm.

"Y/N." I shout out in her direction, but she just rushes into her room, then I hear the shower.
She clearly needs a moment, so I'll just wait. Wanda's in our room trying to put together a "We're really sorry we made you feel like you weren't important to us. We were just scared and got lost in the lust of it all, but the truth is you're everything to us. Please forgive us and be our partner" gift.
We just hope it's not too late, losing Y/N was never a reality we prepared to face.


The steamy shower worked wonders to release the bulk of the tension in my muscles. Sitting down in front of my vanity made everything hit me all at once as I see the photo frames. There's a photo of Yelena, Kate, Nat, and Wanda standing side by side with me lying in their arms sideways. Then there's another photo of Nat, Wands and I cuddled up on the couch after one of our many movie nights.
As I continue to stare at them, I don't even realize I am crying. I'm actually about to officially end things with two of the most important people in my life. I never thought we'd get to this point, but even if it hurts, it is for the best I guess...

After applying lotion to my body, I put moisturizer cream on my face and lastly applied lip balm. I brush my hair out, then throw it up in a stylishly messy bun, then straighten my suit out. It's currently 6:15PM, so I guess now's the time to talk to the women that hold my heart in their hands.

I walk out, and see both women sitting on the couch, and their expression leads me to believe they know what's about to happen.

"Detka." "Lyubov." They both greet me at the same time, walking towards me nervously.

"Wow. You look stunning." Wanda says, looking me up and down, and casually places her hands on my hips.

Natasha looks me up and down, and I can tell by the face she's throwing at me that she's put it together.

"You have a date?" Natasha knowingly questions me, with an air of sadness to her tone.

"Uh. Yeah... I was actually coming out here to talk to you guys about it." I nervously stumble over my words, reaching up to nervously scratch my neck.

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