Picture It... New York 2022 *WN*

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"Where's Wanda?," Yelena mused over her mug of cocoa, the whipped cream on her nose made it hard for you to answer her over the laugh bubbling in your throat, and you settled into Nat's hold when she answered instead., "Our little witch is asleep, she woke up with a high fever so we quarantined her in the room."

"Oh no, do you think she'll be okay by the end of the week?," Kate's true question wasn't lost on you., "Don't worry Bishop, no cold will keep her from perfecting your upcoming nuptials.," your girlfriend chuckled beneath you., "Yeah, Wanda would never let an ailment keep her from planning a wedding. She actually had the flu while finalizing ours.," you shivered at the nasty memory, a snotty nosed brunette with her hands all over the flower arrangements that you and Natasha slyly replaced as soon as she fell into her coma like sleeping state.

While the lot of you sat on the couches catching up, with the two of you occasionally teasing the engaged couple about what the future holds there was another storm a brewing just right out of your eyesight. Clouds of red billowed out from just beneath the closed bedroom door, slowly traveling throughout the hallway of your homey loft, and with no one's concern falling to the encroaching smoke you were all in the dark on what was to come; literally. The smoke had permeated all of your minds, your bodies instantly slumping against the surfaces behind you as you're all forced into a restless sleep.

The darkness slowly began to lift for you, and as you looked around you were stunned to see it was only you, and Yelena in a room that was completely foreign to you. Neither of you said a word, both too busy trying to figure out where you had ended up; wondering if some enemy of sorts might've slipped a hallucinogenic into your buildings water pipes. Then you heard a creaking noise, looking down you noticed you were both in aprons, with weird hats on, you blinked rapidly too, wondering if you'd suddenly become color blind, but the action never changed the visuals around you.

"Ladies!," you turned to see Nat stood behind you, face stern, but with eyes just as confused as your own., "This will be your last chance to impress this company, the parchment paper here is for you to wrap the sushi rolls, not a single one should make it into the next room unwrapped; if they do, you're both likely to be terminated.," and as soon as the two of you hummed your understanding she was gone out the other door that led into a long hallway.

It became apparent to all of you that though you couldn't verbalize, as Wanda controlled the dialogue, that you could still convey messages through your expressions. Yelena looked to you dumbfounded, waving her arms about as if to say 'did this witch really turn us to black and white?,' and you looked to her with an equally as dumbfounded look before the sound of the conveyor belt caught your attentions.

Sushi rolls began to speed by the both of you, and you were surely perplexed, because if you remember the iconic scene at all, you knew it was chocolates that Lucy and Ethel were meant to be handling. A soft chuckle reverberated in your mind at the tiny variation your lover must have made, knowing it was likely influenced by the dinner you and your girlfriends shared a couple nights prior; Wanda's love for sushi transcended the normal worlds bounds.

"Yelena, what are we meant to do?," you spoke frantically, your hands now flying around out of your control, you believe in an attempt to emphasize the unfolding catastrophe.

"I'm not sure, maybe if we eat some it'll make the mess less?," the blonde looked to you with an unimpressed gaze, clearly she wasn't a fan of her given dialogue., "That sounds like a quick way to get fired, and we need this job."

"Good, this place sucks, look at the sushi rolls. Not even filled enough, and the belt is clearly being run by satan himself.," she grumbled while popping a roll into her mouth, then promptly spitting it out., "That's disgusting."

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