Crazy in Love *KB*

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Reader is unhinged in the name of love 🤪


"Again!" Natasha barks down at your lackadaisical form, standing in wait with an extended hand as if this was nothing to her, because really it was, sparring with you was light work for the diet super soldier.

"But Natty..."

"But Natty nothing! We're going until you officially pin me down."

"That's my sisters job..."

Natasha lightly shoves you by your shoulder, but smirks anyways at the cheeky innuendo.

"Miss Maximoff, you've received an email from a sketchy source, would you like me to project it onto the wall?"

"Yes please, thanks Fri."

"Looks like your dreams of being beneath me will have to be a postponed reality Romanoff." You tease your older sister's fiancé who lightly scoffs and playfully throws a sweat towel your way to which you nod in appreciation.

"Oh no, I'm crushed..." Natasha teases right back with her back to you as she packed her gym bag up, completely failing to see the way that your body had tensed, or the horrendous images that were plastered on the gyms walls.

There sat Kate—your precious wife, tied to a chair in the center of a barely lit room, her head was lolling against her left shoulder, and it was a truly sickening sight. The side of her face that was visible to you was nearly unrecognizable with all the varying shades of blues, reds and purples. Her entire right side from her face to her arms was adorned with gruesome marks. Once your eyes trailed down to see the pool of blood beneath the chair you could no longer stomach to see her like this.

"Oh my god, I think I'm going to be sick." You gasp, trembling hands clutching at your mouth and abdomen as the nausea immediately sets in, the only distraction comes in the form of Yelena's disheveled, and clearly battered form.

"It was a trap! They ambushed us, and Kate Bishop's been compromised!"

The entire team had squeezed there way into the briefing room once you'd sent off for an emergency meeting. Natasha relaying to them what's become of your wife since it was clear you'd been in no state to do it yourself.

"Look, we all care about Kate here, but we can't just go running off without a plan."

"Like hell we can't!" You seethe, hands quick to slam against the table, and without exactly meaning to you bent the metal all out of shape, creating quite the hazard for anyone near.

The entirety of the team flinches at the grating sound of metal being crushed, shifting back to narrowly avoid being impaled by the jagged pieces of metal, and you bite back a chuckle at the newfound fear in many of their eyes.

"You're far too reckless; not even permitted to be out on missions yet Y/N, so why don't you just sit back down, and let us handle this." Steve commands, sure in his false authority over you, his eyebrows quirked as he's met with your petulant laughter over your hopeful obedience.

Your eyes lit up and your hands soon followed at his smug dismissal, and your older sister was horrified as you seemed to be on the brink of losing control, and it seemed you enjoyed it. Seeing you so distraught, and to be honest terrifying had her wondering if her and Pietro had made the wrong decision in joining Hydra with you in tow all those years ago.

"Well how about you take your shield and shove it up your tight ass, Captain Dipshit, I'm going to save my fucking wife with or without the Avengers, don't think to get in my way."

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