Love in the Silence *WM*

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Natasha x Widow!Reader x Yelena (Siblings)
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader

Natasha x Widow!Reader x Yelena (Siblings)Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader

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My first ever prompt request!! I'm excited 🥺


Yelena was curled up in the cot besides your hospital bed, reading a Dr. Suess book to your unconscious body.

"Y/N/N, you really should wake up, these books are absolutely insane. What even is a green ham? If I was there, Sam would've been punched already... No means no... Why is this cat wearing a top hat? What drugs do you have to take to write this, it's so unrealistic." She grumbles, only receiving the sounds of the heart monitor in response, and a tired sigh tumbles passed her lips.

*It's a book for children Lena...*

"We miss you Y/N/N... Nat's been nearly killing herself in training, thinking that if she'd just been faster, that maybe you'd be awake right now..."

*It's nobody's fault besides the Hydra agents that poisoned me, I hope you're telling her that... I miss you guys too...*


"Nat! I'm surrounded, there's no way I'm getting out of this on my own..." You grunted into your coms, as you looked around for an easy exit.

All exits are blocked by massive crates that would make too much noise to move, and the only hallway out is surrounded by massive Hydra agents.

"Y/N, just stay hidden, Clint and I are headed your way!" Natasha replies, and you shift uncomfortably in your spot.

All of a sudden there's a loud scuffle, and all the Hydra agents scurry out of the room. Everything in you screams trouble, before you could run you see the mysterious grenade like can in the middle of the room.

"Nat, I love you." You blurt out, then as the can bursts you cover your mouth and nose then make a run for it.

You felt finetruly, as you made it down the hall, but as Nat and Clint made their way to meet you at the stairs you began stumbling.

"I'm gonna take a nap..." You slurred out, then tumbled down the stairs, hitting the slab of concrete rather hard before anyone could reach you.

"Y/N/N!!! Hey, wake up, we need to get out of here."

Clint took off down the hall you came from in search of the canister for analysis, and Nat scooped you up and ran you to the awaiting jet.

"Please, Y/N/N, you have to be okay..." Natasha sobbed against your legs, as Bruce hooked you up to a bunch of monitors.

"I'll do my best Natasha." Banner sweetly states, trying his best to calm her, but his words held little comfort for your self destructing sister...

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