My Moon and My Stars *WN*

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Angst! Prepare yourself!
TW: Vormir,
No Happy Ending/No potential Happy Part 2.
Very long 🤪; 8,516 Words

Natasha and you'd first met when she first deflected to SHIELD, the attraction was instant, but the love at first sight trope doesn't exactly fit your story.

Instead, it was more a long, cautious tale of how one woman, taught another how to live a life worth living. Natasha was abrasive upon first meeting, but with your persistent kindness, and dopey smile, she'd slowly allowed you in; your closeness to Clint helped. Clint took a chance on her, the same way he'd done with you all those years ago, so it was almost your right of passage to help ease her into the world full of choices

Your incredibly close friendship bled into a relationship after a near death experience led to the confession of 'hidden' feelings.


Natasha had watched as aliens continued to flood the streets of New York, through this gaping hole in the atmosphere.

"I'm bringing the party your way." Tony had announced over the comms, then Natasha, in all her glory muttered:

"I don't see how that's a party."

You'd lightly chuckled alongside Clint, before you three shared a 'Don't you dare die on me' gaze. The one between you and the redhead had lasted just a twinge longer than either of yours with Clint, and he surely noticed.

Tony, Thor and Hulk had taken to higher ground, while you and Clint were fighting back to back, and Natasha and the Captain were stood off to your right fighting their own slurry of aliens.

"Shit..." You quietly groaned, as an aliens talons had cut through your suit, and etched some rather deep marks into your right hip.

Clint looked to you fearful but you'd somehow smiled his way, quickly easing his concerns, then he'd taken his leave to the skies via Tony's assistance.


There's that Russian word again, the one she uses exclusively for you, and that sends shivers down your spine, even without any understanding of what is being said...

"I'm going up, I better see that smiling face intact when I get back down here." She playfully asserts, but the residual fear in her eyes cracks at your heart.

You smiled widely, then winked her way as you playfully—regretfully—muttered:


She'd playfully rolled her eyes, then once you'd nodded in reassurance, she'd become airborne, as she set off to chase the God of Mischief through the skies.

The Captain ran off to assist civilians, after you'd insisted to him that you'd be okay on your own, your stubborn nature was truly always your greatest downfall. As soon as he'd left, you'd began to feel the effects of the blood loss, and you had no time to even tend to the wound before you were once again surrounded.

Clint's gaze had fortunately fallen to the ground, surveying the destruction, and that's when his heart skipped a beat at the sight of you surrounded by a group of aliens, with your hand clutching at your side as you slightly swayed.

He sheathed a wooden arrow to his bow, then shot off a metal one directly after, splintering the previous bow and successfully taking the lot of them out. Before you could even thank him through coms, another snuck up on you, and tackled you to the ground.

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