Mission Accomplished...(1) *WN*

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Disclaimer: This is a WandaNat x Reader from my Nat oneshot book.

"Y/L/N, Romanoff, and Maximoff, you have a mission!" Cap shouts
The three of us join him in a meeting room.
"What's the mission capsicle? I kinda had a date." I tease
"A date? With whom?" Natasha teases back
"Yeah... Who?" Wanda asks with a sly smirk and wink
Cap rolls his eyes and audibly groans.
"Anyways, attention up here ladies. You three will be staying in some apartments in uptown NY. Two of you will be posing together as a married couple, while the other is their bestfriend who is also their neighbor. The mission is anticipated to be two to six months long. Your objective is to stop the transfer of new bio weapons to Hydra. The ladies living across from you are your targets, as they are the masterminds making the weapons. You need to work your way into their circle, collect information where you can, and in the end stop the weapons transfer. More information can be found in the files." Steve yammers on.
"So, who's playing what role?" I question teasingly.
"You and I can be married!" Wanda teases back with a grin.
"Very funny!" Nat glares our way in response.
"Regardless of personal relationships, Y/N and Nat are playing the married couple. Wanda's going to be the bestfriend, and neighbor." Steve barks out.
"What?!" Wanda and Nat shout in unison
"Wanda's too close to Hydra to be part of the couple infiltrating the circles. She's mostly back up. Actually, if we're being honest Y/N's our best asset here, she should be doing solo stuff when it arises." Steve continues on, annoying the two redheads.
"We have technology that can change our faces Steven!" Nat barks out.
"Ouch. I'm unwanted." I faux pout
"Oh hush..." Nat chuckles
"Seriously, Nat it's okay. I'll be over all the time. Also, Y/N's basically our other girlfriend." Wanda giggles out.
"No... I'm a single woman! I want that on record." I argue back playfully.
"Only because you keep saying no..." Nat faux whines.
"Can you three just fucking focus?" Steve shouts
"On what? Get off your high horse Rogers. We got the information. We don't leave for five hours. Let us talk and you can leave."
"Language..." Nat giggles out
"Um. Don't screw it up Y/L/N!" Steve quips trying to regain his pride.

As Steve's out of earshot, we all start up talking again, feeling free.
"Absolutely no way I'm sending you into Hydra's grasp alone. Not happening, he's lost his damn mind." Natasha asserts
"I second that notion!" Wanda adds
"Okay... Moving on, are you guys ever going to tell them about us?" I laugh out, completely overlooking their statements.
"No, it's fun confusing them. We'll be so flirty with you and they just stare in bewilderment." Wanda states with a chuckle.
"Yeah, but then you have to deal with all these other people flirting with me."
"Wait. Who's flirting with you?" Nat growls
"Oh look at the time, I must go back to my room and pack my bags." I tease as I run off.


We just got situated into our apartments. Wanda spent five minutes alone in hers before she found her way into ours and onto our couch.
Monica and Lilly Smith—the targets are across the hall from us. Look at these girl bosses go, seems almost homophobic of us to stop them.
"Y/N/N... Stopping evil individuals isn't homophobic." Wanda retorts while slapping me in the back of the head.
"Ow... I told you not to go in there, my mind is a dangerous place." I whine
"Yeah, dangerously crazy." Wanda retorts
"Detka, we need to focus." Nat interjects while she wraps her arms around me from behind.
"Correct, what's the plan?" I boast, excited to be moving on
Nat spins me around and then abruptly pins me to the wall, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.
"So, who's been flirting with you?" Nat lowly growls.
"Nat, that's not focusing." I whine, and stomp my feet in place.
"It actually is, today's about settling in and being comfortable. We'd be much more comfortable with names." Wanda interjects.
"Alright, but remember you asked. Darcy, Carol, Valkyrie, Bucky-before I told him how gay I was. Then Tony with his lack of awareness, and then Pepper when she was drunk—I think they wanted me to be their unicorn—absolutely disgusting. Then just a handful of randoms from Tony's parties." I list off nonchalantly, but with every addition their faces drop.
"Thank you for the kill list baby." Nat says with a smirk, then a peck to my lips.
"No, I like them. They're good people." I assert
"Good people? They're messing around with what isn't theirs." Wanda growls.
"Um, they all think I'm single, I'm not exactly outwardly taken."
"Then tell them you are!" Nat shouts
"What do I say when they ask me who?" I counter
"Just make up a name." Wanda mumbles
"Look, I love you both a lot, but I'm not doing this right now. For one, we're on a mission and a fight like this is likely to expose us. Then, there's the fact that this relationship just isn't fair. You two get the movie night cuddles, and the kisses and glances. I so much as flirt with either one of you and I get glares from the others. I get 2AM travels from your rooms back to mine. I'm going on a run to get a lay of the land, and to clear my head."
As I left the apartment both of them tried to stop me, but I evaded their grasps. As I stepped out and shut the door, our friendly neighbors walked out of their apartment.
"Hello there, you're new." Lilly greets with her hand extended out.
"Yeah, my name's y/fake/n! My wife and I just moved in here together. You are?" I ask while shaking their hands.
"Monica" ... "Lilly"
"Well, it's so nice to meet you both. I was actually just headed out for a run, and then to pick up dinner for tonight." I said as I went to leave, but they stopped me.
"Hey. Why don't you two come by for dinner with us tonight?" They offer
"That's so kind, but we wouldn't want to intrude." I try to rebuttal.
I mean, getting up close night one is smart, but after that fight in there I don't really want to play wife tonight.
"Nonsense! We'll see you both at 8PM.
Chicken fine?"
"Yeah, sounds great. Thank you. We'll see you soon." I nod in appreciation, then take off.

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