Stupid, Cupid *WN*

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Wanda's POV

"Morning" Y/N groans as she enters the kitchen, where Natasha is currently working on the crossword in the newspaper and I am making our breakfast.

"Good morning dorogoy." I coo, with my back to her while I stand over a multitude of pans.

She takes a seat next to Natasha, laying her head down onto the counter, and releasing a huff.

"Rough night milaya devushka?" Natasha questions, setting her paper to the side.
(Sweet girl)

She hums in response, slowly nodding her head, as Natasha reaches over to gently run her fingers through her hair.

"What happened?" I sincerely question, wanting to know what's causing her all this pain.

"Serena decided to break up with me a day before Valentine's day, and I have all of this stuff planned that's nonrefundable." She sighs.

My heart skips a beat at the news, partially breaking as I feel her pain radiate through me, and also because I'm selfishly happy about it. Natasha and I have wanted her to be ours since the moment she had arrived here two years ago. Serena's always been the main obstacle that kept us from that goal.

"I'm sorry, Y/N/N." Natasha coos, leaning down to place a comforting kiss to her temple. Then she lays her face down to mirror her position, and smiles at her.

"It's okay, it might hurt for a bit, but I'm honestly just relieved. It's been a long time coming. We haven't been happy in quite some time." She sighs out defeatedly.

I can feel that the pain runs deeper than she's letting on, I also do feel her relief, so I choose not to push her.

"Hey, what are you guys doing for Valentine's Day?" She asks, quickly sitting up with a hopeful smile, as she awaits our answer.

"Well, we were just going to stay in cuddling all day and watching movies." Natasha answers her.

"You're welcome to join us." I add on, hopeful she'll say yes.

"That's really sweet of you guys, but I'd never want to impose on your special day. I was actually going to offer my lunch reservations for two to Anella to you guys. I'd hate for it to go to waste, and I couldn't think of any people more deserving than the two of you." She replies, smiling widely at us.

"I don't know dorogoy..." Natasha starts to decline her.

"We'll do it, IF you will watch movies with us when we get back." I agree, while turning to place a plate of food in front of her face.

"Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me!! Thank you Wands, these eggs are absolutely amazing!!" She beams, as she finishes her plate in under a minute.

"I'm going to go make the call and switch the name on the reservation. I'll see you two later." She goes to depart, with a quick kiss to both of our cheeks.

She runs off towards her bedroom giggling, and as soon as she's out of sight, I deflate.

"Do you ever think she'll figure out how much we love her?" I sadly question my girlfriend, using my fork to push the eggs around on my plate, having completely lost my appetite.

"One could only hope, maybe we can finally show her during movie night." Natasha sighs, finishing off the coffee in her mug, then clearing our dishes.


I'm currently on the phone with the restaurant, rearranging the reservations for tomorrow around. I'm really disappointed, because I was really looking forward to the french toast. However, Wanda and Natasha deserve the world, so this really isn't a big deal.

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