Baby, You're Not Alone... *WN*

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Warnings: Loss of mom young—Grief, Numbness.
Chrysanthemum's are "funeral flowers"
White: Purity / Grief ; Yellow: Sorrow/Neglected Love


Wanda frowned when she woke up to empty, frigid sheets telling her you'd been gone for at least an hour if not longer. Natasha being gone was expected since she starts her training at four in the morning but you, their little grump, never gets up before ten unless it's necessary.

"Friday?," the witch murmured over a yawn., "Yes Miss Maximoff?," she tiredly sat up, her arms stretching above her head as she slowly became more conscious of her surroundings., "Where's Y/N?," her lip caught between her teeth while she anxiously awaits an answer.

"It appears Miss Stark left the compound at six in the morning, and their phone is off so I'm unable to pinpoint any location at this time. The last ping was near Central Park at 9am."

"Thanks Fri.," she jumped out of the bed before the AI could even reply, racing to the gym in hopes that maybe Natasha caught you leaving., "Nat?! Have you seen Y/N/N?," the redhead nearly dropped the weight in her hand as the frazzled witch actually managed to startle her.

"What do you mean? Isn't she in bed?," she looked at her watch., "It is only eight honey.," her amused response was met with a glare., "Natasha, if she was in bed I wouldn't have woken up to cold, empty sheets just now."

"Oh.," the redhead felt her heart skip in her chest, her mind now running wild with all the potential scenarios, but before she could spiral too bad she thought of your brother as a good place to check in., "Have you asked Tony?"

The couple left the gym in a rush, heading off to the lab to find Tony laying on the couch with a scrapbook of sorts over his head, and tiny snores gave way to his vulnerable state. Wanda removed the book from his face, the both of them noticed his eyes were rimmed red, and they looked to the book to clue them in on why.

They aww'd at the sight of you, you couldn't have been more than three in the shot, you were wearing a frilly pink dress with the bow to match, you were holding hold a tiny baby doll while sat in Tony's lap next to your mom. You looked so excited as you showed her your baby in the next shot, while she fondly smiled. It wasn't hard to deduce why Tony was crying, and Natasha knew all too well why when she looked at her phone and saw today's date.

"Oh.," the realization hit her hard., "I know where she is Wands, let's go—she's going to need us even if she thinks she doesn't."

Chrysanthemum—they were a gorgeous flower really, they bloomed in various shades, and each one of them meant something beautiful. This morning you stopped by the local florists shop to find your arrangement already filled. Miss Stacy gave you a comforting smile, then handed you the bouquet of yellow and white. You bid her a friendly farewell, then continued on your journey throughout the frigid city.

The numbness of your limbs was comforting, it gave you something else to focus on while the warm mug in your hands slowly brought back the feeling with a pained tingle that followed. Part of you wished it was just as easy to bring yourself back from the void; you woke up this morning with nothing inside to offer the world. Wanda's warm embrace did nothing to combat the feeling, or more so the lack thereof, so you slipped on out of the compound around six.

It perplexed you how this day was always a different experience every year for you. There were many years where all you wanted was to celebrate the life of your mother. There were the last few where you left flowers on her grave, then went about your day like normal. Then there were ones like this one where you wanted to curse the very ground she once walked on for leaving you to face this cruel world alone.

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