Imposters *WN*

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The anticipation of your girlfriend's return from their week long mission had been driving you insane as you sat alone in your apartment. It was a no contact mission, so most days you sulked around your place after coming home from work. The mess you'd accumulated was actually daunting, take out containers and blankets in nearly every inhabitable corner, and wrappers of all sorts decorated the place.

How you'd been able to trash the shared space in a week had made no sense to you; your breaking point had actually been when Liho found you. He'd been minding his business when suddenly his paw was attacked by a sticky wrapper. You had been sat on the couch when you heard a consistent crunching sound, then you'd curiously looked down to see Liho glaring up at you. Now though, everything was shining, as you'd used all of your extra energy to make the place spotless for their arrival.

Sadly they're running late as they were originally due back yesterday. The quinjet had apparently been having difficulties, so they got stranded in Greenland for the night, and most of today. Natasha had texted you at around 6PM to give you the bad news.

*Detka, we will not be in until midnight, so we're going to stay at the compound, but we promise to make it up to you in the morning*

The message hurt your soul, and your shoulders deflated. You refused to spend another night alone though. So, you got dressed in a comfy sweatsuit, and took yourself to the compound on your bike just as the sun was just beginning to set.

"Hey! Iron Man! Let me in!"

"Sorry, no fans allowed!"

"Stank! I'm not messing around."

"Hey, I said stop calling me that..." He grumbled, then you heard the ding, and saw the gate opening.

"Thank you Tony Baloney..." You giggled over the intercom, then rolled right on through, and left your bike at the bottom of the steps

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today kid?" Tony asks, as he pulls you through the doors and immediately into a hug.

You melt into his strong embrace, having honestly missed the man, and been very touch deprived for the entirety of the week.

"Seriously? Old Spice? Aren't you meant to be a millionaire? You really are a grandpa..." You playfully gag.

"Okay, no more compound for you." He quips, playfully peeling you off and pretending to push you back out the door.

"Well, if your faulty tech hadn't have left my girlfriends stranded, I wouldn't have had to come here in the first place."

"Oh, and here I thought you were here to see me."

"Silly man.. Now, who else is here for me to bother?"

"Bruce, Steve, Bucky..."

"Boring, Boring, Boring..."

"Pepper's here.."

"Wait! Does that mean Morgan is here?!"

"I was getting there.."

"Oh my gosh! Where ?!"

"The garden..."

You took off in search of your favorite Stark, and found her drawing one of the rose bushes, while her mother was sat off to the side working on paperwork. Pepper looked up to see you and you made a 'shh' movement so that you could sneak up on the tiny Stark.

"Mommy, look at —."

"Stop right there you heathen!" You shouted in a deep voice, and Morgan turned to you with wide eyes, before giggling at the sight of you in a fighting stance with a puffed out chest.

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