Rome Wasn't Built in a Day *FP*

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Warning: Jealousy (on both ends), Insecurities, Alcohol Smut: Top!R x PowerBottom!Flo; Oral(Flo—Face-Riding), Strap (F), Subtle Overstimulation, Kinks: Choking——

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Warning: Jealousy (on both ends), Insecurities, Alcohol
Smut: Top!R x PowerBottom!Flo; Oral(Flo—Face-Riding), Strap (F), Subtle Overstimulation, Kinks: Choking

Florence was smiling from ear to ear as she watched you slipping into the sheer top that paralleled her current pants perfectly, and was sort of an homage to her previous years outfit.

"Oh my word, I'm not sure how long this'll remain on you.," she purred as her hand fell to your hip so that she could turn you to face her., "You look positively beautiful my darling girl."

Florence loved flustering you like this the very most, it was the way that her teasing words or her soft caresses could make you freeze up while nervously biting into your lower lip, and ducking your head down to avoid her gaze, it filled her chest with pride. As if you forget how much she wants you, no matter how much she reaffirms she's in love with every bit of you.

"Are you ready to go?, she smiled knowingly as you found your voice, and deflected her tease., "The event starts soon, and we don't want to be late, or miss your chance at the red carpet."

"Our.," she corrects with a peck to your lips, because even though she wants to deepen it, the risk of getting carried away was too high, as well as her fresh gloss would require a fixing.

The drive to the venue was short, and sweet. Florence's driver had the partition up, and the two of you sat in the back in a fit of giggles as you recounted the times he'd rushed to lift it whenever you two were in a heated moment as you entered the car without regards to him. Frank is seemingly learning it's safest to just always be prepared for your scandalous ways.

It was as the car encroached the venue that you were both no longer giggling, instead you were fiddling with the rings adorning your fingers, and your lover frowned at you clear anxieties.

"Hey there," she smiled as her hand now laid over yours, and you met her with a nervous one of your own., "It'll be okay darling, we're here together, and therefore we're invincible."

A reminiscent smile took over your face as you let her words soak in. There really was nothing you couldn't do with her by your side, so after a brief kiss the two of you exited the car with hands interlocked and a shout of thanks sent back Frank's way as you entered the event

After walking the red carpet with Florence for a wide array of photos and short interviews you stood back and allowed her a chance for solos. Much to her dismay truly, because you knew that having you at her side helped to lessen her anxiety, but you both also knew that the world was expecting glam shots of the blonde starlet.

The fashion event was rather nice, the outfits showcased were surely eye catching, but you were primarily focused on your lovers outfit, and now that you were drug along to the after party you had the time to ogle her properly.

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