Found Family *YB*

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"Wanda, are you sure the fitting went well?" You huffed involuntarily as you tried for the umpteenth time to get the zipper to reach the top of her dress, "Maybe it shrunk hon?"

Wanda turned to you with tears in her eyes, you could see a secret settled beneath the surface of her shining viridescent orbs, but her wobbling lip prevented her from offering it up.

"Oh honey," you saw the soft baby bump as her dress now pooled at her hips, "It'll be okay, what's a wedding without a few hiccups?"

Wanda smiled instinctually at your offered comfort, the world could be on fire, but you would still find the beauty for her somehow.

"What are we going to do?" Wanda asked in a whisper, and you tightened your hold on her.

"Well, the wedding is in six hours," you looked to your watch, "How about we run to our safe space, then we can magically fix the problem?"

Wanda pulled away from you with a genuine smirk, you always found the best solutions.

"Can I get extra toppings?" Wanda wagered, and you nodded amusedly, "Then it's a deal!"

After Wanda changed back into her comfy loungewear the both of you snuck out of her dressing room, and right on out of the venue.

Kate had been excited to be playing such a pivotal part in Wanda and Natasha's special day's events. The excitable girl was skipping around with her bedazzled clipboard, making sure the workers knew where to place the flower arrangements, then she was calling the caterers to triple check on the delivery time for the various plates, and she continued to do such work until she arrived to Wanda's door.

"Hey ladies it's Kate, I'm just checking in to make sure we're staying on time," she called out as she knocked softly, but there wasn't a call back. Kate tried a few more times, and with the continued silence she grew worried, so without further thought she opened the door.

The worry she felt only increased as she found the room empty, she was panicked when she saw Wanda's dress in a heap on the floor, and in that state she called Yelena on FaceTime, offering no privacy as she yelled, "They're gone, we have a runaway bride, and her bestie too."

"WE HAVE A WHAT?" Natasha shrieked, and Yelena muttered underneath her breath, "Pochemu ya?" before throwing back her flute of champagne, and turning her focus to her frazzled older sister. "It will all be okay."

(Why me?)

"So, is this a 'oh no she knocked me up' wedding?" You teased your best friend, you cackled as her nose scrunched up in pure offense. "No, and you very well know that!"

"Yeah, but for all the secret keeping on your end I felt it was only fair to tease you babes."

"We didn't expect it to happen so fast," Wanda muffled her admittance over a spoonful of her fro yo, "But with my magic it's apparently a sped up process. I am technically only a week in, but at last weeks scan they said I was three."

You remained unexpectedly silent as you ogled your friends bowl, it was literally towering over the lip of the bowl, and the toppings were what you'd expect to see on a sociopath's bowl.

Who pairs mango boba pearls with chocolate syrup, and pieces of coconut? A menace...

When you took notice of her glare you brought yourself back into the conversation, "Weeks?"

"Months," she groaned as she dropped her gaze to the bump that she could no longer hide, it'd become even larger since you'd left the venue.

"Yeah, I am afraid that makes sense now."

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