Remembering Our Forever (2) *KB*

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"Good morning love." Your glowing form greets Kate from the doorway, dirty spatula in hand, and beaming smile upon your face. 

Slowly she rises into a seating position at the sound of your voice, loosely holding the sheet in place to keep her bare body shielded from the cold—dopily smiling your way in return.

"Good morning sunshine..." She dreamily greets you, reaching out with her left hand to usher you into her grasp, which you know is just a trap.

"No freaking way Katy-Kat, I know better." You laugh at her antics, turning on your heel to walk away, and the archer watches the way your shirt rides up, exposing your panties, and her heart skips a beat at the sight.

"You're staring."

"Admiring!!" She corrects in a shout, eagerly jumping up to throw on a bit of clothing so that she can meet you in the kitchen.

She arrives, smile on her face as she finds you dancing with Lucky who was stood upon his hind legs, your hand on his lower back as you're swaying the both of you around. Kate's lack of stealthiness gives her away, somehow slipping on her own socks which leaves you to wonder how she ever plans to be an Avenger...

"Falling for me I see..." You jest, lowering your dog and gently petting him before wrapping around the counter to settle into your stool.

"How could I not?"  She counters with a genuine smile, and you're quick to playfully roll your eyes at her.

"Always so cheesy..."

Kate giggles as she settles into the stool besides you, moaning involuntarily as she bites into your homemade waffle, and smirking at your bodies reaction.

"Did last night not do the trick? Honey... Whatever it is you need, I promise I can give it to you, even happily so..."

Kate places a hand to your thigh, leaning in to stare into your doe eyes before nearly planting her lips to yours.

"Find her for me, and once you do, you'll know exactly where to find me..." You suddenly mutter right before pulling away from the archers expectant lips, heading for the door and exiting before she could even think to stop you.

"Wake up and smell the smog Kate Bishop. She's not going to wait forever..."

Kate's face whips to the left to see Yelena stood before her with a pot of mac and cheese, and then Lucky's cries seem to rattle her remembrance of your absence.


Kate woke up with a start, the oh too familiar pounding in her head present as she sighed and threw the blanket off again. Every night the same dream, every morning the same nightmare, loosely based on the memories of mornings past, but unlike before she doesn't get to feel your lips.

You'd yet to come home to her, and with every passing day her heart somehow continued to shatter. Yelena's encouraging "she'll be back" has long lost its meaning as she is now left to wonder if the world for you got brighter.

What if losing her opened the door to something better for you?

Everyday she prays for the opposite because losing you has sent her spiraling downwards. Most nights she is sat on the couch with a six pack of beer, and tub of whatever ice cream she'd gotten delivered that day. Her days always start the same as well, no you in sight and a headache to rival the nights prior.

After sulking for about an hour in bed, and opening her messages to simply not reply to them, she'd finally trudged down the stairs, albeit lazily. Starting up the Keurig and throwing some stale bread into the toaster she turned to face the window; sighing annoyedly as the sun peaked through the sparingly open blinds so she dragged her feet while moving to pull them shut all the way.

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