The Damned & The Dame *WM*

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Every muscle in her body ached, the adrenaline built up from the chase, and the immense power garnered from the dark hold having faded by now. All Wanda wanted to do was to curl up in her bed, close her eyes, and quite frankly—never awake again. There was nothing left for her here, Vision was gone for good, along with their kids, and if she allowed herself to think about her greatest loss, then she'd be able to acknowledge your absence as well, and just how much it still hurts to have lost you.

The first person she ever truly loved, who loved her back without a second thought, when in reality you would've been better to run like the world told you to. For years you two were happy, then one night she couldn't look at you without feeling resentment. The smile never faded from your face, even though you'd lost just as much as she did, if not more really. It'd felt unfair to her, that happiness just came so easily to you, but had she been paying any attention she'd have known your never ending supply of joy was because of her, not in spite.

Pushing you away felt like the right thing to do; months of unwarranted silence left you in a fit of confusion, you racked your mind for any answers for the cold shoulder, only to find it when Wanda was hanging off the arm of the synthezoid. The glint in her eyes was enough to tell you she'd been cheating on you, at least in some capacity, and the heartbreaking sight of her kissing his cheek left you gasping for air. Stumbling back into the wall, a wave of nausea rolled through you, and you ran off to collect your things, planning to disappear for awhile for the betterment of all those around you.

You'd always thought your love, born in your youth, would stand the test of time, but fate never seemed to be willing to work in your favor, and you never were one to push back.

Wanda moved on first, but when you'd returned months later, in good spirits, and with your arm wrapped snuggly around the waist of the redhead the room began to spin, the entirety of her oxygen leaving her lungs, her heart stilled, and she was unfortunately vividly reminded of the night you left.

She'd returned to your shared room, a petty annoyance in her heart in preparation for seeing you, but when she found the room vacant of your existence, with a simple note on the bed reading: "I hope he makes you happy, I'm sorry that I no longer could...," her heart had stopped then too, and even with her new beau it never seemed to beat the same again.

Wanda knew the world likely believed her to be dead, it was an agreed upon notion between her and the sorcerer that guided her back to sanity. Strange had nodded from the corpses frame when she looked to him, because if he didn't agree then he'd have to send her to the raft, and he could see the despondence in her dull green eyes—she was no longer a threat.

Not only did the world think it, she herself wished it, but she promised you along time ago that she'd never give up. Even though she broke it by doing so with you, she reasoned it best to atone for such sins by forcing herself to continue going on; living was her repentance.

There had been only a few places she could go, she settled on a cabin in the woods of Norway, but as she approached it she saw a light on. Every hair on her body stood at attention, she had no intention to fight anyone else, she was exhausted, but this was her home now, the one she had once dreamed up with you in the peak of your relationship. There was no way she'd just let someone infiltrate it, and take away the only piece of you she had left, even if it meant drawing attention to herself after just agreeing with Strange that she would remain low.

The closer she got to the house though she found her body losing its fight, a deep calm began to settle in her heart at the familiar smell of your cologne, and the hum leaving through the kitchen window nearly had her tripping in an attempt to reach you. She knew it was a long shot, most of her believed this to be residual mind games from the dark magic, but on the off chance it wasn't she wasn't about to waste any more time standing outside.

Wanda froze in the doorway, it was you, there was just no mistaking that physique., "Y/N?," you knew she was there, but it took you a minute to grow the confidence to face her. You'd come here the moment the news of her defeat made it to the headlines, and just as you expected—hoped—she was very much alive., "So you're not dead then?," you tried to sound indifferent, but the dinner on the stove for two and the relief in your eyes were enough to tell Wanda that some naive part of you still cared.

"Well, I'm making dinner, and I will go draw you up a bath, because you look kinda rough.," Wanda's heart fluttered in her chest at your soft smirk, and teasing chuckle, so much so that she was overwhelmed with a need to be close to you. Needing to feel you to know this moment was real, so even in her dirtied state she slammed her body into yours, tightly wrapping her arms around you, and only truly settling when you returned her gesture after the shock of her urgency wore off.

"Y/N, why are you here?," she asked the question of the hour.," you grimaced at the dark thoughts that had plagued you all day., "Because I needed to see you were alive.," you felt a tightening in your chest, the words you omitted were stinging the tip of your tongue., "After everything you've done, I still love you. with all I am.," you sighed, choosing messy honesty over beating around the bush any longer., "Why would you?"

"Because no matter what I know your heart Wanda, I've known you since we were little kids in a war torn country. When you don't understand something you become defensive, you also tend to run, for all of that I forgive you, and my love for you will never waver."

"It should," she sniffled, but contrary to her sentiments she snuggles into your embrace further., "We've suffered enough apart Wanda, we've lost so much, why should we continue on this way when we could just let love heal us?"

"I-I've done a lot of bad things Y/N/N.," she cries into your shirt, her hand clutching to the fabric tightly in fear of losing you after you see the monster she's become., "I know Wanda, you got lost in your grief, it wasn't right, but who on the team hasn't?," you reasoned., "Literally, Clint went on a killing spree, Tony and Bruce created Ultron without punishment, Steve put Bucky above every last one of us then left us all behind in a post Thanos world, truly the list could go on, and on Wanda. You did some bad things, yes, and it cost people their lives, you should feel guilty, but not to the point where you'd believe you're a bad person."

"I broke your heart.," she reminds you, as if that was the worst of it all., "Yeah, you did, but for that I'm grateful.," her eyebrows furrowed., "It gave us a chance to grow up, I was able to see love from a different lens. I felt free with Natasha, my love for her was true, as yours was for Vision, but it was never deep like ours was."

"We're soulmates Wands, Piet had always said it, and after all this time I know he was right.," she pulled her head from your shoulder to gaze at you, her hands gently cupped your cheeks, and she pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. Tears began to befall both of your cheeks at the reacquainting of lips. Wanda sighed as she reluctantly pulled away from you, "Heart, Body, and Soul... Y/N, all of me belongs to you; please tell me, does this mean you'll stay?"

"Wanda, if you will shower, I'd do anything.," she pushed at your chest with a huff, but she couldn't help but to chuckle along with you., "I'm holding you to that detka.," she lowly whispered, winking and leaving you stunned. The witch smirked, grateful to know you're still so easy to fluster, then she left with a kiss to your cheek, and a warmth in both your hearts.



3/13 Romantic blurb requests

🥰 Kaitlyn 🥺

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