The Stuff of Nightmares *WN*

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It had been plaguing your mind for a month now, on as to why your perfectly good sleepers suddenly sought out your comfort every night. They'd stopped doing that well before grade school, but ever since your wives started taking over their nightly routine so that you could rest up during your third trimester they'd been moving into your shared bed a lot.

At first you suspected it was some premature jealousy for the incoming infant, but just last night your daughter was softly sniffling, and when you asked why she stiffened, her eyes flickered between the faces of your sleeping wives, and suddenly she was just fine again. Her reaction was unsettling to say the least, so tonight you'd settled on doing some quiet investigating, which is why you find yourself stood in the hallway with your mouth agape.

"The bombs were raining down as Viviana and Oleg frolicked through the town.," Wanda reads enthusiastically to your terrified looking children as they lay in their beds., "They jumped from one pile of ashes to the next to avoid the ground as it was 'lava' on the way to the bakery they hoped was still standing."

You cleared your throat from the doorway, and made your way over to put a stop to this clear madness at once. Both of your kids looked to you with eyes full of hope, which truly left you feeling quite horrible. The loves of your lives, who hadn't realized they were even in trouble were both beaming at the sight of you, and you felt a bit bad having to be crushing their spirits.

Then you noticed the book in Natasha's hand, "The Wolf and It's Prey," the cover an obvious depiction of children being mauled by massive hairy beasts, and the feelings quickly faded., "Absolutely not; Natasha, Wanda, please might I have a word with you both in the hallway?," the book was promptly snatched from your pouting wife's hand, but they quickly obliged. Before meeting them you moved to tuck the kids in, kissed their foreheads, then promised to return with a less abrasive set of storytelling.

"What the fuck is this?," you asked in a harsh whisper as you gently closed the door behind you and stared at yours lover a bit bewildered., "It's my favorite childhood book, we didn't have much to read in the Red Room, but this story brought me immense comfort.," your face fell at the creepy admission., "Nat, these kids are clearly screaming, and being murdered."

"Yeah, but the point of the story is to always listen to those in charge, so that you don't break rules like they did and get eaten.," you were honestly shocked that she thought the moral of the dark story would change your tune, as if there weren't many books about the exact same principles that didn't leave kids in tears, and eventually leading them to your bed., "Nat—honey, this isn't comforting, like at all."

Wanda was standing very still, hoping that you would be so focused on berating Natasha for her terrifying story you'd overlook hers., "And you.," she winced when your finger wagged in her face., "What was that you were reading?"

"I-it is one of the books from my childhood that I recently found at that old timey bookstore up the street.," your features softened upon hearing the vulnerability in your far more sensitive wives voice, and it was as if it all clicked., "My loves, I think I understand the sentiment here.," your tone was a lot less accusatory this time, your hands gently reached out for theirs, you tugged them closer, and settled your joined hands on your bump, not missing the way they smiled at the action.

"These stories are nostalgic I'm sure, they represent to you a piece of your harsh history that you actually remember fondly.," they nodded at your words., "Which is great, but what comforts you, actually terrifies our kids."

"Have neither of you been the slightest bit curious why they've taken to sleeping with us again?," you asked, this time with humor in your voice to lighten the darkened mood., "Well we don't mind, it was actually nice to have them snuggled up to us again.," Natasha admits, to which you smile in understanding., "Yeah, but you want them to do it because they miss us, not because they're scared shitless."

They chuckled at your deadpanned expression, then they shared a soft set of smirks that you always knew meant trouble for you. Natasha used her hold on your hand to abruptly pull you into her for a kiss that quickly left you breathless. Then as soon as you gasped upon release Wanda was pulling you in next., "Oh dorogoy, now what would we do without you?," you ducked your head at their words, then lightly shoved them away for flustering you., "Probably live on to traumatize an entire generation."

They cackled, and you smirked back at them while walking back into your kids room to collect them, figuring you might as well get ahead of their sneaking in. Natasha scooped little Sarah up into her arms as soon as you exited the room, the sight of the tired little girl, with her bunny stuffy tucked under her arm snuggling into your wife settled your heart.

Wanda did the same with Zachary, who giggled wildly when she blew a raspberry onto his exposed tummy as she lifted him up higher than necessary, but then she settled him when you glared at her for riling him up., "Mommy's no fun.," she whispered in his ear, making sure it was loud enough for you to hear, and your son giggled again while looking at you as if he had a chamber of secrets to uphold.

"Alright, off to bed! All of you.," you boomed, and the collective brood rushed off to your room. As soon as you walked in Natasha's hand was splayed over your lower back, guiding you to the mattress where Wanda already was laying on her side with the gremlins at her side. Wanda took the book from your hand, and Nat patiently helped you into the center of the bed.

Once you were all settled you began to read: "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.," your wives, and children gave you all their attention.

"Mama, look!," Sarah gasped, and Nat shuffled to get a better look at the page., "A lion!," your wife subtly glared at you, as if your lion eating a donkey was better than her wolves tearing children apart., "Yeah baby! What a scary beast he is.," she mused tauntingly, shuffling a bit to avoid your knowing elbow jab to come.

"After a month of searching the same places over and over again, and inquiring of the same animals over and over again, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan no longer knew what to do.," you read, an air of sadness in your tone to convey the emotions to your children, not missing the way your wives were also hanging off of every word., "They tried their best to be happy, to go about their usual ways."

"Mommy...," your son sniffled, you dropped the open book on your chest to look to him., "Would you guys be okay if I was a rock?," the wobble of his lip broke your heart, but you were able to muster up a loving smile., "Of course not honey, we'd miss you so much.," Wanda's arms tightened around the both of your kids for emphasis., "Our precious babies, don't worry, I'm sure Sylvester will be okay.," Natasha looked to you for needed reassurance, to which you winked, and went on reading.

Natasha's hands clutched your shoulder as the climax of the story was building., "He was stone-dumb.," the redhead then groaned., "Oh god, that's so corny.," you chuckled then continued on reading about the reunification.

"I have the strangest feeling that our dear Sylvester is still alive and not far away."

"He is! He is!," the entire bed shouted in unison, and you smirked at their enthusiasm., "I am! I am!," you read out right after, and all the bodies on the bed shifted closer to you. Cheers erupted as you flipped the page to show that Sylvester's wish had finally come true, he was a donkey once again, and there wasn't a dry eye in the bed as you flipped to them all cuddled up together on the couch.

"That was such a good story mommy.," Sarah said over a yawn, her face falling into a tired smile as you helped her shift over you, and in between you and Natasha's body., "Yeah, I loved it.," Zach added over his own yawn, his tiny arm now thrown over your belly, and his snores soon followed his shifting.

"Moya lyubov', I hate to admit it, but you're right, that was a good story, and it didn't even need the mauling.," the redhead quietly teased as she leaned over your sleeping daughter to kiss Wanda, and you goodnight, "Or the bombs.," Wanda added as she pecked your lips, and you playfully scoffed., "You are menaces."


1,526 Words

❤️ Kaitlyn 🥹

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