The 1 *KB*

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I have this dream you're doing cool shit, having adventures on your own. You meet some woman on the internet and take her home.

It hurt to see, but for some reason your eyes were transfixed on the screen of your TV. Another cataclysmic event taking place in the city you called home, but all you could see was her, the first, and potentially the only woman you'd ever have the privilege of loving. True to her word she was out there doing the whole hero shindig, saving the world instead of watching it burn like you always believed best.

This world had never treated you fairly, so when you had the privilege to make choices of your own you refused to use your forced upon you powers for the greater good of mankind. Kate couldn't get behind your morbid logic, because to her she'd also lost far too much, and yet she still chose to see the beauty in people. You really couldn't blame her for her reckless optimism, sure she never had to fight like you did, but she still faced enough hardships that she'd be well within her rights to be jaded.

Yet she wasn't, she was like the human embodiment of everything good the world offered, which is why you had to end things. Kate loved you wholly, but you knew being with you would only ever lead to her demise. Seeing her now though, with another woman embracing her as the fight came to a close, you can't help to wonder if you could've changed.

We never painted by the numbers—baby, but we were making it count. You know the greatest loves of all time are over now.

"Kate.. Stop, we need to focus.," you grumbled while stroking the brush over your canvas., "Pfft, it's a silly assignment.," you looked at her bewildered., "Kate, this is half of your grade.," she shrugged, popping another grape into her mouth as if graduating meant nothing to her.

"Y/N/N, just put the brush down, and hold me instead.," you shook your head, averting your eyes so that her pout couldn't manipulate you., "No, I'll be only another half hour, then I'll have saved your grade, and you'll be alright.," Kate huffed, but she gave in and settled down.

Or so you thought, because not even a minute later did she dip a brush into the red tin., "Kate, don't you dare.," you warned, catching her wrist in the nick of time before she could destroy the fruit basked you'd so delicately painted for her over the course of days now., "What? It needed a pop of color, something to make it more abstract, don't you think?"

"A red stripe?," you deadpanned, turning to face her as you did, and in a small moment of victory she dropped down into your lap, crossing her arms together behind your neck, and pulled you in for a kiss, the paintbrush in her hand clanging against the floor as you both got lost in the heat of the sensuous moment., "Why must you be such a distraction, hm?"

Kate giggled, playing up her cuteness to win you over, something she'd gotten rather good at in all of your time spent together., "Boredom kills Y/N/N, so really, I was just saving you.," you shook your head while chuckling fondly., "Babe, I wasn't bored—you were.," she blushed but she remained persistent., "You were too!"

"Fine, an hour, that's all I have to give while this layer dries enough for me to continue.," she shook joyfully in your lap, causing you to chuckle at her childlike glee, your heart soon stuttering in your chest when she looked at you like you were all the mattered; to her you did.

"I love you Y/N.," she laid her head down on your shoulder in a show of exhaustion, so you lifted her up and carried her to the couch of your art studio. Your heart both fluttered and ached in your chest as she spoke such tender words to you, because though you felt it for her, you didn't feel deserving of hers at all.

"You're too good for me Kate Bishop.," the raven haired girl frowned, she brushed your bangs from out of your face then she leaned in to kiss you., "You're more than enough Y/N."

"I-I love you too Kate.," she leaned back in to continue the kiss, far more passionately as her heart was racing with the verbal confirmation that you felt the same as she did, and that was far more important to her than that painting. Which is why you two spent the rest of the night on that couch, living in your moment of unwavering love.

I guess you never know, never know
And it's another day waking up alone
But we were something, don't you think so?

Tears stained your cheeks as soon as you awoke, that memory one of the many to plague your mind whenever you laid down to sleep. Kate Bishop was willing to give you the world, but you chose to ignore the offers of love, and hope in your continued pursuit of revenge. Because what good is a world to you if it only ever represented all the things you never had.

Watching movies with a bowl of popcorn to snack on, with the archer displaying the proper responses to the scenes, meanwhile your blood is boiling because the Holiday scene reminds you of the night your parents gave you up to Hydra... Santa was meant to come down your chimney, but instead men in tactical suits rushed through your doors, taking you away, and handing them a briefcase full of cash.

Talks with the woman of starting a family. You'd always indulge her if not only to see her eyes as they sparkled, but within you were brooding. Would having children be healing? To be able to break those cycles of abuse you faced, giving them the opportunities that you failed to receive, and loving them with all you two had. Or, would it be more so devastating? To know that you resent an infant that shares your likeness, watching them enjoy the joy having a mom like Kate would very well bring. Knowing that you'd never really be enough for her, or them—well that would be cataclysmic.

Simply put, no amount of exposure to Kate's sunny disposition was enough to save you...

All loving Kate had taught you is that you truly are the monster Hydra set out to make you. That much was obvious when you found it in you to walk away from her heartbroken form that fateful night last July, and it's proven now as you leave your home in the dead of night.

It would've been sweet, if it could've been me.
In my defense, I have none. For digging up the grave another time, but it would've been fun,
If you would've been the one.

As you stood on the top of this building, flares of orange reflected in your irises you finally felt that peace Kate had always dreamed of for you. Muffled sounds of footsteps behind you didn't even serve to break it, but you did turn around to greet the team meant to put an end to you.

Kate had her bow loaded up, ready to fire away, but then your eyes met hers and she froze., "Kate Bishop, shoot them, they are bad news.," you smirked., "Isn't it beautiful Kit?," "Y/N.," you lifted your hand to stop her., "There's no reasoning with a mad man love, you know that as well as the blonde stood next to you does."

Yelena raised her widow bites, ready to attack you, but you waving your hand stunted her., "Why are you doing this?," you looked at the woman who once owned you with a deceitfully soft smile., "I promised you a masterpiece, now I am just delivering, isn't it breathtaking?," with the snap of your fingers the girls were free'd, but you were just as good as gone, and Kate crumbled to the ground in a fit of sobs.

Kate deserved the world; all you had to offer her was the ashes that remained as you burnt it all to the ground...

1,387 Words
Another round of TSwizzle fics is upon us.
❤️ Kaitlyn 🤭

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