Only Love Can Hurt Like This *WM*

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Warnings: Angst! (Happy Ending), Heartbreak, Cheating.
Smutty Paragraph: Fingering(W) —I would've done more smut but the person hadn't requested smut so I only did the blurb to urge the plot line I built along lol


"Scotch on the rocks... Make it a double.," you sighed towards the bartender who looked at you with concerned eyes., "Rough night?!," your lips quirked when you heard the voice of your dearest colleague., "You could say that.,"

Wanda watched from her corner, silently at war with her heart and mind, and she almost gave into her urge to wring Darcy's neck when she saw her hand unnecessarily sat on your bicep., "Darling, are you okay? You seem a bit tense.," Vision asks, his arms wrapping around her from behind, and if anything she becomes more tense when he pulls her back into his loving embrace., "Yeah Vis, just tired is all."

"We could always slip out early.," he muses and her stomach drops at the flirty undertones., "We most certainly can not, this is my best friends wedding.," she scoffs, wriggling out of his hold to give him a pointed glare, and he shrinks under her stare., "I'm getting a refill."

Wanda was grateful to her aloof boyfriend for giving her a reason to approach the bar you have been living at, and to her excitement you are finally without the scholar on your arm., "Hey Y/N/N...," you lightly nod her way, but forgo speaking as you slam back the cocktail., "How've you been?," Wanda inwardly cringed at how awkward the formality fell from her; you rolled your eyes, and sighed into your glass., "I've been good Wands...," you lied, turning yourself to uncomfortably look at her., "Can we talk about it, for just a second please?"

Wanda tensed, of course you'd want to do this now, her fingers gripped onto her glass tightly, but regardless of her uneasiness she nodded., "It's been super weird between us, and I don't want it to be anymore.," you quietly admitted, and Wanda shakily whispers., "Me neither."

"So, let me just say this: I'm done. You don't have to worry anymore.," Wanda's face fell., "What do you mean?," you sighed, meeting her worried gaze with a melancholy one of your own., "I'm done trying to get you; I can't do it anymore, I'm sorry it's taken me this long to figure it out, but I promise I'm done making a fool of myself.," a few tears settled at your eye line but you refused to let them fall, this was a night of celebration for your best friend, so you're doing your best to stay low-key.

"Y/N, you haven't been making a fool out of yourself.," Wanda rushes out in a subtle panic., "It's okay Wands... It's okay.," you sigh out as you pull your longtime best friend in for a hug., "...I want it to be okay.," you reaffirmed quietly.

Wanda's arms are wrapped tightly around you, her unwillingness to let you go only heightens as your next words string out., "Which is why I tendered my resignation at Stark's Corp.," Wanda could feel her soul leave her body when the words left your mouth., "Starting August 1st I'll be working with Pepper in California."

"You're leaving?," Wanda asks, her soft voice trembling as the daunting reality hits her, her fingers painfully dig into your back on reflex.,  "Plane leaves tomorrow.," you confirmed the obvious while slowly peeling her off of you., "Were you even going to tell me?," you look at her with a sad smile, the answer is clear as day when she looks into your conflicted eyes., "Oh."

In an attempt to evade the brunettes sad stare you peer out to take in the happy couple as they are sharing their first dance on the floor. It's the perfect example of everything you'd always wanted, their love was purely infectious. However as you see their shining smiles you also notice the way Carol's eyes fall to the food. You smirked when you realize just what she wanted, and as the wingwoman you've always been you decide to help her out.

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