Seasons Greetings *WN*

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Natasha quietly observed you and Wanda from the kitchen, the witch was happily cuddled into your side while your arm was securely draped over her as you watched a marathon of movies. The redheads heart ached for the kind of love you two shared; more specifically she wanted it to be something shared amongst the lot of you. She knows that's something you both want too, however, even with your guys persistent offers to take her out on a date, doubts had crept into her mind and held her heart tightly in its grasp.  It didn't matter how many times Clint would encourage her to accept, her mind felt she didn't deserve either of you sources of light.

You'd always reminded her of the Spring—full of an unbridled vibrancy and it was as if everything you had touched seemed to thrive. Your kindness knew no bounds, oh and your smile—your radiance was unmatched, just the way you beamed reminded her of a rainbow. They'd always been something she admired after a storm, the way something so simple yet so beautiful, could come to fruition from a place of darkness gave her immense hope. Which was something you also did every time you'd treated her like a human worthy of love. From the day she first saw you she knew she'd wanted you, her flirting was shameless, but she just couldn't get passed all of her reservations.

Wanda got to you first though, and after much thought she knew that was the best for you. The witch was another story for the redhead, she was much like a beautiful Summer's day; bright as can be, and she possessed this natural warmth that could melt the coldest of hearts—it had already worked wonders on hers, and to her that was cause for a great deal of fright. Her nurturing nature was something that Nat knew she could fall into if she would just let her walls fall down, which is why she boarded them up even higher to protect the both of you.

Natasha had always seen herself as no more than a cold Winter's night, the kind where you find yourself stranded in a desolate cabin with little access to much of anything. The small fire would flicker in the fireplace, but there was no warmth to it—it was more just a placeholder to combat the loneliness. At one point it might have even been that this was her truth, but to you and Wanda she was nothing like that.

Natasha was more like a rainy Fall day, sure it could be seen as an inconvenience, but to the people like you it was a welcomed occurrence. The world was enclosed in a layer of darkness, but with that came this new level of vibrancy. First to be seen amongst the trees littered in colored leaves that now no longer looked dull. Raindrops falling helped to aide them on their journey to the ground, a natural cycle of life, and it was always such a beautiful sight to see.

Natasha was truly just as beautiful too, and though she carried that sort of darkness within, the both of you were able to see straight on through to her heart. Although it was surrounded by metaphorically spiky vines it still beat just the same as both of yours did, and that, along with your lived experiences with her was more than enough to tell you that the whole broody assassin stick is just a front. This—if it was going to work, would require patience, fortunately for her you two had an abundance of it, and that's exactly what she needed all the while figuring out her heart.

Natasha had been shutting you both down for months, her answers were never a definite no, but it was never a yes either, and she could see how defeated you'd look, and Wanda's hurt was never not readily on her face, and now she felt like she was stringing the both of you along. She knew she would eventually have to decide to try, or to finally let y'all go, but today just wasn't that day. So now that she's stared at you both for the last half hour she decided it best to sneak herself back up to her rooms. But just as she expected as soon as she went to breeze past the common room you'd called., "Natty, come here please, we have a quick question to ask you.," and when you flash her that smile she knows she'll do just about anything you ask.

Natasha stood before the both of you with her eyes nervously flitting between both of yours while her hands fidgeted about. This nervous side of her was usually hidden away, but the two of you'd garnered more of her trust than even she expected you ever would, and if she was to be honest it isn't that scary after all., "Natty, this isn't an interrogation, relax.," she sighed, then her hands dropped to her sides, her eyes focused in on your lips as they moved.

"Nat, we wanted to take you out to dinner tonight.," Wanda stated matter of factly, and that nervous pit in Nat's stomach began to twist so she decided to speak her truths., "We're so different. I wouldn't want to pull you down.," Natasha admits, her eyes downcast to the floor to avoid seeing either of your reactions., "Fine, I'll do it myself then.," you mused, and before she could question what you meant she was squealing as you pulled her into your lap, and Wanda giggled from beside you when she saw Natasha's perplexed face., "Natalia, you make both of us extremely happy, no amount of your brooding will change that.," she further teased the redhead, her soft fingers moving to push the hair from her face, and the simple affection had the woman in your lap blushing brighter than her hair., "We want you for you Natty, you're our very own safety net."

No more words were needed when she responded to yours by shifting in your lap, burying her face in your neck as one of her arms wrapped around you, and her other extended out towards the witch to hold her hand., "Rest Natty, we'll wake you when it's time for our dinner date.," you softly cooed against her temple before pressing a kiss to her hairline. Once you heard a soft set of snores your body relaxed, and you turned to look at your girlfriend who was already staring at you with a bright smile., "We've done it Y/N/N.," you giggled as she pecked your lips., "Yeah, we sure did Wands—our very own perfect storm."

Days around the compound had never been better after the news of your joyous budding relationship spread like a wildfire. The one reminiscent of the sun while the other half was her sweet rainbow now with the addition of a storm cloud it was almost too perfectly aligned. After all, without the break from the sun the world would likely burn, and without the storm there'd never be room for the rainbow to shine.


1,198 Words

❤️ Kaitlyn💋

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