Please Don't Go... *YB* (2)

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Yelena was curled up on a chair in the corner of your hospital room, listening to the taunting beeps of your heart monitor. Her mind was willing you to wake up, desperate to see your gorgeous eyes staring back at hers. She'd never seen you look so fragile before, your skin was cold and clammy, and it's more painful when she knows it was all her fault.

Clint quite literally had to carry her off the side of the rink after paramedics had carted you off to the hospital. No amount of words would break through the barriers her mind had put up. Kate was rushing towards them when he'd finally made it to his car, and after seeing the distant look on his face she'd remained silent, and wordlessly entered into the back.

The two expert assassins, who'd literally been engaged in a brawl with one another less than twenty four hours ago, now sit in relative silence, as they watch the rise and fall of your chest, and the jagged lines on your monitor.

"You need to eat..." Clint eventually murmured into the silence, as he tentatively approached the assassin with a tray of hospital foods.

"No." Yelena brushed him off, with a glare to rival Natasha's, but Clint isn't one to budge that easily.

"Listen kid, my daughter is rather frightening when mad, and if I don't keep you healthy she'll unleash her wrath on me. Then there's your sister, who will further haunt me for the rest of my days if I don't make sure you at least have a bite to eat."

"Not hungry."

"That can't be true, that fight was intense, and it's been nearly twelve hours..."

"I will eat when she wakes up."

"That's just unreasonable... Look, this isn't your fault... Y/N is stubborn, and strong willed, it seems you two have that in common. We were in the middle of a pretty heated fight, I know you just thought she was another tracksuit."

"Or Kate Bishop." She playfully grumbles, briefly interrupting him.

"Yes, or Kate." He chuckles, then takes the risk, and loosely throws an arm around her shoulder.

"My point is, I see the way you look at her, I know that you'd never hurt her on purpose, and she knows it too. She talks about you all the time, you make her insanely happy, and that means it's my job to take care of you while she can't. So eat, this isn't a debate..."

"Wow, you really are such a dad..." She playfully groans, as she appeases the man by grabbing an apple, chocolate chip cookie, and tiny water bottle off of his tray.

You groan as your consciousness returns to you, there's an immense pounding in your head, leaving you to feel as if your brain is being crushed beneath your skull. The sensation only seems to increase tenfold as you try to open your eyes.

It's rather blinding, as if you've been placed directly under the sun, but surprisingly there's no heat whatsoever. Instead, a chilly breeze, and utter silence surrounds you, which only confuses you further, and then you hear a voice breakthrough.

"Dorogoy, open your eyes..."

Yeah, you're definitely dead...

"We are on borrowed time, and have quite a lot to talk about Y/N/N..."

Your eyes curiously flutter open, an all too familiar face is smirking down at you, as a flurry of red hair cloaks your face, and fortunately blocks out the blinding light.

"There she is... Now, up you go." She cutely remarks before yanking you up from the ground, and apparently into a different scene.

You're now in what appears to be Central Park, which was where the two of you'd always spend most of your downtime together.

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