Everything Has Changed (5)

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AU, MobWives! Wandanat x Reader, MobWives! KateYelena x Reader (Platonic), SecretRivalMob! Carol x Reader (brief)
CoffeeShopOwner! Reader /
TrustFundBaby! reader

TW: VIOLENCE, Blood, alluding to murder/death, sexual innuendos/harassment, non consensual touching, torture.


"It's okay little dove, I'll make sure to avoid that pretty little face of yours..." Carol coos

"Yo-u're de-ad." I warn her over the ball gag, knowing that the moment she cuts me, she's cutting her life short.

"What was that?? Ooh, that reminds me, I want to hear those screams of yours that I've heard so much about.." She proclaims, as she comes over to remove the ball gag from my mouth after many hours.

Once it's removed, the dull ache in my jaw becomes more prominent. I slowly close my mouth, and in doing so a sharp pain shoots throughout my entire head. Reminding me of the not so minor ache in my temple from the earlier blow. My face and lap are now covered in drool, and my wrists and ankles feel as if they're burning from the ropes.

"God, you look so pretty like this, I could only imagine what you would've looked like writhing beneath me." She rasps out, straddling my lap and forcefully smashing her lips into mine, then pulling back with my lip trapped between her teeth. She bites down harshly, drawing blood as was her clear intention.

While kissing me, she began to draw her blade down my body, starting at my chest and stopping at the top of my pants.

"The shirt has got to go..." She whispers into the space between us, as she let's the torn shirt fall down from my shoulders until it settles at my bound wrists.

"Better." She beams.

I hadn't really noticed this prior, but she had already removed my suit and placed me in a basic white tee shirt and shorts. I felt violated at the fact that she's undressed me, but more so angry that my clothes are missing.

"Where's my suit?" I whine, clearly having what one would call misaligned priorities.

She grips my chin roughly, turning me to face her, as she stares at me in amusement.

"I have you tied up, and half nude, completely at my mercy, and all you care about is your cheap ass suit?"

"It was the last one in my size." I honestly reply.

"You're almost too cute for your own good." She coos, instantly contradicting herself as she slashes a decent sized mark into my abdomen, and I hiss at the contact.

"Like I said, almost..." She replies, chuckling darkly, and removing herself from my lap.

She steps back, seemingly admiring the sight before her, smirking deviously as she watches the blood trail down my exposed abdomen. Her smile quickly fading as I began to speak...

Natasha's POV

I'm currently speeding Yelena and I down the freeway on my bike, going upwards of 100 mph, passing the cops with a simple wave of a hand. Expertly drifting between the lanes as we make our way to his warehouse. Kate and Wanda are not too far behind us in the Lamborghini Uris.

Bucky and Steve are already two steps ahead of Rumlow, and are waiting in his private jet for him. Our plan is simple, Yelena and I focus on his potential goons, Wanda handles Danvers, and Kate gets Y/N to safety.

As Yelena and I slide into the lot, coming to an aggressive stop, we jump into action.

"You go left, I go right." I confirm with my sister, she nods in confirmation, bringing her gun up and into position.

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