Hollowed Oak: Missing "Loved" One *Soft!Dark WN*

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Pietro woke up with a fever, which normally isn't much cause for concern because Wanda's right there to make him all better with her magical soup, and Natasha with the medicine. Sadly, both of your partners had left you alone in the secluded house while they've been out of country in search of a new, more welcoming home, and to your disservice neither of them were picking up their phones.

After about a hundred calls, and a clear lack of medicine in the cabinets, you had deduced that it was probably in your best interest to lug the infant, and sick four year old out of the house to purchase the necessary materials.

Terror filled your entire being at the concept of returning to the city, and though this isn't your first time, it will be the first time without the glamour of Wanda's magic around you to disguise you. Likelihood of being recognized after being missing for nearly five years seems rather low, especially seeing as how no one genuinely looked for you to begin with. Still, it was a possibility, and for both your lovers and yourself it certainly wasn't a welcome one .

The sounds of your child's pained coughs, and the sight of his tear stricken face was enough to push you passed your fears. So even though your lovers had expressly told you not to leave the house, you were packing your daughter into the sling, and placing your son into the stroller. It's not because they didn't trust you, because they knew without a shadow of a doubt you wouldn't run, it was because the world was "far too dangerous a place for a pretty girl like you to be out unattended."

Upon entering the store you'd quickly made your way to the pharmacy in search of some children's tylenol, vicks vapor rub in the tiny tub as well as refills for the humidifier, and a bottle of throat numbing spray, placing it all into the handheld shopping basket hanging from the stroller's handles.

Wanda's soup was similar to chicken noodle, so you'd settled on a few cans of Campbell's, praying to yourself and whatever God listening that Pietro would be too delirious to tell the difference. Then you picked out a pack of "naturally flavored" fruit popsicles, a bottle of pedialyte, and a few snacks you'd run out of back home since you were already here.

Fortunately for you, both children had been sleeping while you cautiously shopped around. The lack of acknowledgment thus far had left your guard slightly lowered, so instead of being in a rush, you found yourself moseying around in search of a gift for your lovers. Hoping to butter them up when they return to find out you'd left the house against their wishes.

While holding up a pair of sunglasses for your stealthy Russian lover you'd nearly dropped them at the sound of a familiar voice. Every hair on your body was stood at attention, slowly you'd creeped around a corner while doing your best to control your breathing. Seeing your mother laughing had caused old feelings of resentment to fester within you.

Leaving the house was indeed a bad idea, it took everything within you not to approach the hag and give her a well deserved piece of your mind. Careful observation allowed you to take notice of the clothes, and accessories she was cloaked in, and you were stunned to see the luxuries upon her. Your mother, the same woman who'd expressly refused to buy you a simple pair of converse was stood before you, dressed head to toe in authentic Gucci.

How in the hell is the woman, the same one who couldn't even pay her mortgage without your weekly allowances, now stood before you in such attire? Better yet, what is she doing inside an ACME, when her whole life had been devoted to remaining cheap and shopping at stores like Winco.

Not interested in the actual answer you attempted to scurry off in the opposite direction, but a hushed gasp of your name had stopped you in your tracks.

"Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you." Jack whispers, pulling you into a gentle embrace while being mindful of the infant strapped to your chest as he spares her a curious glance.

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