Out of This World *CD*

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"It's a star, it's a meteor... IT'S MOMMY!" Riley sings from the porch, as he sees his superhero mom flying down from the sky.

"Is that mommy's big boy?" She beams as she approaches the porch, with her hands behind her back and a goofy smile on her face.

"Yes! I'm mommy's big boy!"

She quickly smiles up at me, as I'm nursing our six month old—Charlotte, then reverts her gaze back to the four year old before her.

"I have something for you." She says and he eagerly throws his hands forward and closes his eyes, as he always does when she returns from a mission.

"Open." She shrieks, as she settles a rock of sorts into his hands, and places her hands to his shoulders as he nearly topples over at the weight.

"Oh my gosh! Mommy, no freaking way!" He shrieks excitedly, startling Charlotte, who unlatches and tries to peek out of my shirt.

"Yes freaking way!" She eagerly shouts back as she lifts him into the air, and spins his giggling form around.

"What is it I'm missing here?" I chuckle out, while pulling Charlotte out from under my shirt, and she immediately grins and does grabby hands for Carol.

"Mama! How do you not know?!" Riley gasps, as he squirms out of his mommy's embrace and lugs the big ass rock over to me.

Carol swoops in, and cradles Charlotte close to her chest, and subtly works on burping her. Meanwhile, Riley drops the massive rock into my lap, and I groan at the impact.

"What is this? A meteor?" I groan, completely perplexed at the sheer weight of it.

"It's a piece of a star mommy! Mama promised me that she'd find a way to make it touchable for me, and she did! Isn't it cool!? Mama's so cool!"

"Yeah, she's simply the best." I grumble playfully, rolling my eyes dramatically so Carol could bare witness, and she smirks my way.

"Who's hungry?!" I steer the conversation away from how fantastic my wife is, as I hear my little mans stomach growling.

"Me!" Riley shrieks.

"I think mama wants to cook for us, yeah? Since she's just so cool." I playfully suggest, and watch as his face falls.

"Oh my gosh, mommy, no! Don't you member last time?" Riley cringes, as he shuffles my way for comfort from the ghastly memories of abandoned meals past, and I wrap him up in my arms.

I laugh boisterously at his antics, as I stand up and carry him indoors, suddenly realizing that I've possibly influenced his drama king ways...

"So, what do we wanna eat tonight then lil man?" I coo as I carry him to the kitchen.

"Psketti!" He shrieks, nearly deafening me as he giddily lifts his head from shoulder.

"Spaghetti it is, you wanna help mommy, or go play with mama?."

He burrowed closer, and so I took that as my sign that he was sticking with mommy.

I started heating up the water, then I kicked his step stool across the floor and settled him upon it, directly in front of the sink.

"Wash up lil man." I gently command, as I drop some soap into his hand.

"Twinkle, twinkle little star, Look how clean my two hands are. Soap and water, wash and scrub, get those germs off rub-a-dub.
Twinkle, twinkle little star, Look how clean my two hands are." He sings along while scrubbing his hands for as long as the tune lasts.

"All clean mommy!" He boasts, and I smile proudly in his direction.

"Perfect! Now, let's make some meatballs." I place the bowl in front of us and he gets to rolling.

As we're humming along to our tunes, I feel a set of arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"Smells divine..." My wife whispers as she places a gentle kiss to my neck, my body shivers at the contact and I can feel her chuckle against me.

"Mama! Leave now! Mommy and I are making you a special dinner..." Riley innocently commands.

"I have my meal right here.." She whispers directly into my ear and my legs nearly give way.

I nudge her lightly, then turn around in her arms to kiss her lips, certainly giving her whiplash. I pull away from her lips and she whines, and now it's my turn to chuckle.

"You heard the man, get out!" I playfully shout, slapping her ass as she walks away.

"How about you set the table and put Char into her chair, dinners almost ready.?" I suggest in a command out after her.

Once our plates are put together Riles takes his mama her "special" plate, and I settle some smaller portions to Char's tray, and watch the sweet interaction at the end of the table.

"This is like the galaxy's that you fly across, and the meatballs are like meteors. Does this look right mommy?" He beams, as he looks up to her with hopeful eyes, and a wide smile.

"Yes baby, this is perfect! Thank you so much for such a lovely dinner."

"Mommy helped too!" He chokes out over the mouthful of 'psketti' in his mouth.

"Oh yeah, I'll make sure to thank mommy later." Carol slyly remarks, and you roll your eyes, while choosing to instead correct your son.

"Chew your food before you speak, we don't want you to choke."

"Yes mommy." He politely responds as he reaches out for some water.

Your attention is drawn back to Charlotte as she throws her meatball chunk at your face, and giggles mischievously.

"Bath time! Mama's turn!" I laugh out, as I take a greasy, sauce covered baby and place her in her mortified mama's arms.

I send them off with goodnight kisses, then make my way to clean up the mess we made.

After the kitchens finally settled, and the kids seemingly are as well, I crawl into bed with my obviously exhausted lover, and I hear her sigh heavily.

"What? Did the kids battle you in the tub or something? Maybe at bedtime?"

"Yes, but it's not that..." She grumbles, as she wraps her strong arms around me and pulls me close.

"What is it then darling?" I gently ask, as I roll to my side, and trace my fingers down her face.

"I just miss you, miss this all of the time..." She sighs out.

"Awww, is my superhero tired of superheroing?" I question in faux sincerity.

"Don't tease me..." She whines.

"Oh, so you don't like being teased?" I muse.

"Baby, I'm being serious... I miss you..." She whines once more, as she throws herself back on the bed.

"I'm right here my darling..." I rasp out, as I now hover over her body, then lean down to place gentle nibbles across her jawline.

"Jesus, you're insatiable..." She groans, and tightens her grip on my hips, then flips me to my back.

"Yeah, and you're out of this world." I breathily reply and she falls against me in a fit of laughter.

1,176 Words


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