The Aftermath *WM* *V* *KB*

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Kate x F!R ; Wanda x Natasha (Past)
Queen!Wanda x KingG!P!Valkyrie (Dark)
Wanda x F!R x Valkyrie

Protected sex/Dick riding (W Receiving, V Giving), Non-Con, Somnophilia(R Receiving, W Giving), Masturbation(Val), Panty sniffing(Val), Blood(R's), Breeding/Penetration(R Receiving, V Giving), Oral (W Receiving, R Giving), Mommy/Daddy, Degradation, punishment (face slap), Fucked to sleep(R)

Kidnapping, sprinkle of Stockholm, manipulation, mind erasing


Wanda Maximoff had a lot to consider after the whole Thanos debacle, after being forced into killing her best friend, then to still lose, and be forced to return to a world that no longer included the love of her life.

Natasha Romanoff—feared by most, but was literally a teddy bear behind closed doors; she gave her life to a world that never deserved her to begin with, and Wanda was beyond furious. No more were the days of loss she thought after losing her family, but boy was she wrong.

Valkyrie also had a lot to consider, seeing as how she'd spent most of her days drunk, waking up on the beds of the women who's hearts she'd toyed with, too afraid to commit after the battle where she'd been made to lose. Being given the throne of New Asgard was the least she'd expected, but when a broken down, exhausted Thor approached her she wasn't going to just say no to him.

She now has this title to live up to, something about "honor," and "nobility," and if it wasn't for Thor she'd be long gone. Now she's faced with this concept of needing a person worthy of settling down with, someone to pose as her right hand—her Queen.

Apparently, the women decided to spend their time considering their options wrapped up beneath the sheets together after a grueling battle in which they'd only just met.

When on the battlefield Valk had been instantly drawn to Wanda, the rage behind her eyes being something she'd been all too familiar with. She recognized the loss behind her fury immediately, and her heart attempted to crack open with memories of her own. Shoving them down she did what she did best, she fought side by side with the field full of strangers all with a need to avenge something.

Wanda had always been able to split her focus, it came with the territory of hearing others thoughts, because if not she'd never be able to get anything done. So while absolutely ripping the mad titan to shreds, she could hear all of Valkyrie's sinful thoughts about her. She'd also heard the curious ones, where she worked to find out what exactly had happened, but those quickly subsided as it appeared her attraction to the witch grew tenfold.

Though she didn't want the pity stares, almost everyone approached her with one as the battle had ended. The only one she welcomed from the archer who's well overdue for retirement. They held each other close, both quietly sobbing before he was off to reunite with his family, with requests that Wanda would eventually be by to do the same.

Upon meeting the warrior though, she was fortunately met with eyes free of judgement, free of expectation, and being that she wanted to just forget, she was quick to give in to the lusty undertones in her gaze. Valkyrie had intended to be soft at first, but Wanda was having none of it, so she threw her down onto the hotel's bed and used her to get off.

Valkyrie watched in aroused bewilderment as the witch took control, only seeming to care about herself in the moment, and to finally be on the receiving end of that had the Asgardian hooked. Knowing that the witches loss must be fresh she didn't want to overwhelm her, but the question she was about to ask really had no other implications, so she used the redheads brief moment of fatigue to ask.

"Be my queen?" She asks while slowly pumping into the women, Wanda's ability to process, let alone reply cut off as both women's orgasms overtake them.

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