Just Your Speed *KB*

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Kate's POV

"Shit, Kate, we're outnumbered and we need to find cover—preferably away from civilians." I hear the elder archer grunt out while shooting off a trick arrow to slow them down.

"There!" I shout, pointing to a random building to the right.

Clint blindly follows me, continuing to watch our six while I guide us into the building.

"Kate, I said away from civilians, not into a building full of them." He groans, running his hand down his face in obvious frustration.

"This way we can blend in, it seems they have some event going on, and I for one am starving." I remark, reaching out to grab a slice of pizza, just for him to slap it down.

"You're insufferable... You have potentially put all of these people in danger." Clint scolds me in his paternal tone

"Nuh-uh. Look." I point out the window—sneaking some pizza—and showing as the goons Kingpin sent after us, have began to retreat.

"I need a drink." He sighs, leaving me alone to find the bar in the middle of the room.

I began to walk around the building, noticing a theme of sorts. At the sight of people with numbers on their chests, I had thought this was a meet up for people about to run a marathon. Then the decor, and overly sweet snacks around us made me realize this is so much better... Speed dating!

I make my way to the information table to see about signing up; I'll be sure to have some fun while grandpa drinks.

"Hello there, how may I help you?" A man enthusiastically greets me.

"Hi, I'm just curious, is it too late to sign up for the event?"

"Absolutely not darling, we still have about three slots left." He relays to me, immediately handing me a clipboard to sign, then assigns me a number.

"So, the rules of the event are pretty simple. This is an all inclusive event, so you'll be stationed with: men, women, and individuals who don't necessarily prescribe to the worlds gender ramifications. We ask that you write your pronouns on this sticker, and that you respect those of whom you encounter. We have no tolerance for hate here, so at the first sign of it, you'll be asked to leave. You seem like a nice young person, so I doubt we'll be having a problem with you—it's just a formality.
Now, you can go into this open to finding friends, or a partner, this event is really just to help people get themselves out there in this big city. When the event starts, you'll be lined up. There are 20 people, and ten tables, you'll be allotted five minutes to interact per person. When you hear the first chime, that's to alert you that you have one minute left. In that minute, you can exchange information if you wish to do so. We ask that even if you hit it off with someone, that you stay in the rotation as to not mess with the flow. Who knows, you could even leave with a partner and a friend. One row will move to the left, the other to the right. You'll know it's over once you find yourself face to face with the person you started with. Any questions?" He concludes.

"No, thank you so much si—, um?"

"Sir was fine darling, thank you for double checking." He beams, then sends me on my way.

I continue around the room, surveying the participants, and they all seem relatively attractive. I look around for my partner in crime, then I see he's nursing his bruised cheek with the cold, empty beer in his hands. We lock eyes, and I enthusiastically point to the number on my chest, and I can see him deflate. I can also see him mumbling to himself, and I'm pretty sure he said:

"This is going to be a long night."

I smile at the grumpy man, then move to the tables, as the event's meant to start in five minutes. I felt relatively calm, but the excitement's starting to get to me, and the nerves take over. What am I even meant to say?

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