Hollowed Oak: Peace in the Silence *Soft!Dark WN*

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Hollow—a state you're far too familiar with. Actually, it's one in which you've come to welcome with open arms.

To feel has brought you nothing but pain—letting someone in, and allowing them the opportunity to fill the hole in your heart—well that's just proven counterproductive. Always ending the same way, as you fall back into the same pattern of loneliness after getting a taste of what it's like to be wanted, to be cherished. Only ever gaining a new crack to be etched into your heart, usually followed by a few angry tears to be shed.

Sitting in your office chair, you reflexively type up the quarterly budget reports for your boss. Unchanging routines, as mundane as they were, brought you the sense of tranquility you needed to get by. In this moment though, your focus was elsewhere, and the anticipation of it was actually stressing you out.

This weekend you will be going on a solo camping trip, and you're feeling the smallest traces of excitement at the planned getaway. Camping is a cherished hobby of yours, being one of the only memories from your childhood that you'd held onto fondly, and it usually affords you a brief moment of pure happiness.


"Y/N! Your dad will be here in less than thirty minutes, be ready or you're not going!" Your mother pointlessly barked up the stairs, as you'd already been ready to go since last night, and if she paid enough attention to you she'd have known.

Every summer—without fail, your father drives into town and swoops you and your younger brother off to take you on an excursion through the wilderness.

"I'm already ready mom." You shout back.

"Watch the attitude or you'll stay home." She irrationally seethes, and you blink in rapid succession as you try to see where your attitude had lied.

Luckily for you the doorbell ringing through the house had shifted your mothers attention, and your father's booming voice was soon followed by scuffling feet.

"Daddy!" Jack shouts as he runs into your father's arms.

"Hello my babies, we excited to sleep under the stars?" He beams, and you shyly nod while your brother giddily jumps around, and you catch sight of your mom rolling her eyes.

Your mother swiftly lifts your little brother up, pulling him in for a tight hug, then gently kisses his cheeks before returning him to the ground. Then she startles you by tightly gripping at your shoulders, shaking you—almost aggressively—while discussing Jack's schedule in detail with your dad.

The car ride to the campgrounds is usually full of tense silence on your end, while Jack talks your dad's ear off about his newest interest. Once he pulls up to the site you're flying out of the car, immediately working to pitch the tent, while Ric unloads the remainder of the gear.

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