Just Come Home! *FP*

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Florence has been really going through it as of late, finishing film after film, completely throwing herself at her work in a foolish attempt to overlook the overwhelming ache in her heart.

Which is why she now found herself at the local pub with her cast mates, celebrating yet another successful film. It didn't feel like an accomplishment though—it couldn't, since you weren't there to embrace her. She now found herself dreading having to return to the home you two once shared— she's all alone, and she shouldn't be...

Just a little over five months ago, she'd made the worst decision of her life, when she decided to push you away, and apparently right out the door. It had felt like the relationship was suffocating her; with all the love and adoration you'd shown her, she felt insufficient in her returned efforts. She could see the hurt flash across your features whenever she'd have to leave for a 'reshoot' or accept a new project at the expense of your relationship. You'd never say it aloud, instead choosing to congratulate her, but she always saw the pain her career choices brought.

You'd been there from the very start, when her film choices were mostly low end indie films, and now she'd finally made it. Making it to the big leagues in movies with the likes of Scarlett Johansson, and Meryl Streep. You'd never fail to embrace her with your undying love and support. You were truly the only source of comfort she had, and she'd totally ruined it by not appreciating you enough, simply living her life like you'd just always be there.

That fateful night, the one she deems to be the worst of her life, you'd waited up for her to get home. She had been far too drunk and exhausted for whatever argument she'd assumed you'd be picking that night. Had she been able to sober up for just a moment, and set her exhaustion aside, she'd have realized you were equally as opposed to an argument. All you'd really been seeking, was the reassurance that her love was still there; all you were given was the misconstrued notion that it was all gone.


"Y/N, whatever it is, can it wait until the morning? My head is killing me." Florence immediately remarks upon seeing your figure on the couch, as if basic communicating with you is a chore.

"No, it can't, because you'll just slip out in the morning before we could even speak." You scoffed, not intending to be so defensive, but honestly you were offended at the complete dismissal, as if you're not even worth a greeting anymore.

"Well it will have to, because I'm simply going to bed."

"If you go to bed, without even a proper discussion, then there won't be a conversation later." You'd threatened, hoping that would get her attention, and that she'd finally see the desperation in your eyes.

"Even better, I am a bit over the constant dramatics if we're being honest." She venomously spits, humorlessly chuckling.

At the confession, your heart drops into your stomach, and you decided in that moment that you'd no longer be waiting around for her. If she no longer loved you—the way she'd promised she always would, then you were gone.

"If that's how you feel, then I'm happy you were finally honest with me." You cooly reply, doing your best to keep your composure, not allowing her the opportunity to see just how broken she'd actually made you.

She slipped off to bed without another word, not even sparing you a glance. Once you'd heard her light snores from the hall, you snuck into the room to take your most necessary items with you. Throwing your duffle bag over your shoulders, you took one last glance at her sleeping form. Simply admiring just how beautiful she truly was under the moonlight. You settled your note on your previously designated side of the bed, before settling a farewell kiss to her forehead, then you quietly left the home you'd both built together.

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