Stepping Into the Light *WN*

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Ghost Whisperer x Avengers Crossover
Warnings: Death, Angst, Violence, Grief.


Melinda had made the travel to the Big Apple with her husband Sam—Jim—and son Aiden in hopes of experiencing a good natured vacation. So, when she approached the cute coffee shop and saw you pacing outside of it she was a bit devastated, because of course you'd be here. Nobody dies the way you did, being who you were, and passes without unsaid goodbye's.

You'd been outside this coffee shop all day, waiting for Wanda and Natasha to finally show. It was your weekend tradition to meet here at 9AM, enjoy pastries, while sipping on your differing beverages, and talking about any and everything until splitting come afternoon time to get back to work.

It's already 3PM though, so you're growing a bit concerned at their lack of arrival. You're not stupid, you know you're dead, but that doesn't mean you'd expect them to break these sort of traditions though. You'd already suspected you were dead, because all you can remember is their angry faces as you left them, then Clint's full of fear before everything suddenly blurs. Then, after the fight you saw the two engaged in last night in your shared home your suspicions had been all but confirmed.

Your inability to be heard, and Wanda's "She's dead because of us Natasha! Just more red to add to our already dripping ledgers!," when you found you couldn't hold Natasha as she cried herself to sleep with a big bottle in her hand you knew it was you being referenced... You don't even know why you thought you could do anything if they had showed up, just more of that reckless optimism of yours, the same bit that got you into this mess anyways...

Melinda sighs, texting her husband that they'll want to extend their trip because she has some work to do, and he knowingly responded with wishes of good luck, and so she approached you with no hesitation whatsoever. You'd saved the world countless times, so saving your soul was certainly a cross she didn't mind baring.

Your senses were on overload when you saw a brunette woman sitting at a table sipping her tea, staring as if she could see you, and not through you liked everyone else had so far. Subtly she nodded towards an alleyway, and you found yourself there in a blink of an eye.

"Who are you?" Melinda simply smiled at you, completely understanding you're on edge, "Well, I'm Melinda Gordon—." Your eyes widened when she actually responded to you., "You can see me then? How is that possible?"

"So, you know you're dead, that's a good start. Most ghosts I encounter don't have it all put together yet, but you seem to. Tell me Y/N, do you see a light? Is it calling to you?"

"What fucking shit is this? Do I see a light? This is New York, there are lights everywhere!" Melinda snickers at your little outburst, "That's a fair point, but that's not what I'm referencing. My purpose here is to get you crossed over, and into the light, but it's clear you can't see it."

"I can't cross over!" Melinda sighs, "You have to, there's no place left for you here, but can you tell me why you can't leave?" You drop your gaze to the ground., "I can't leave them..."

"The Avengers?" You shake your head., "No, well kind of—Natasha and Wanda, I can't leave them without making sure they'll be okay..." Melinda hums, curious brown eyes urging you to elaborate further, because the world had always been a bit unclear on your relationship, and that's exactly how you'd all wanted it.

"They're my girlfriend's, and they're not doing too well. We kinda got into a huge fight before I died, I never got to say goodbye, and I think they blame themselves for my death..."

"Why would they blame themselves?" Melinda inquires, looking for the full picture before she attempts to approach the intimidating women., "Well, you see, I'd wanted us to retire..."

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