It's Just, a Little Crush *WN* 🥵

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Warnings: Jealousy (subtle)

Smut: Oral (All), Strap (R), Fingering (R), Squirting(R), Nipple Clamps (R), Overstimulation | Kinks: Master(N), Mistress(W), Praising, Humiliation(if you squint), (I was on some whore shit my dudes 🤷🏼‍♀️)


It was a peaceful day, the sun was out but the warmth wasn't unbearable as the Fall breeze brushed across your exposed skin. Since it was an off day for training you settled comfortably into the hammock in the garden, allowing the nature to calm your chronically nervous heart. Sounds of leaves flying by, and the birds chirping were doing you wonders as you sipped on your water and read "I Think I Love You."

In a sick twist of irony a melodic laughter is passing through your ears, you peered over your book and your heart skips at the sight. Natasha and Wanda were stood outside the doorway, sharing the sweetest of moments as Natasha kept the cackling woman upright. They were truly the most beautiful people you'd had the pleasure of knowing, and it was no shock to you that you'd fallen in love, but it mattered not when they were already together, and you couldn't be a person around them.

Sighing to yourself you wondered if you should head back inside for a nap, sharing the outdoor space with them would be too much to bare, and you'd been there your fair share of time. You closed your book, then nearly fell from the hammock when Wanda's face was mere inches from yours., "Hey there Y/N/N, are you busy?," she asks, and your hands reflexively ball up., "Hiya Wanda, um, I-I was actually just headed inside to take a nap."

"Boo... We were going to ask you out to lunch.," Wanda whines, and your heart skips at the way the both of them practically stare through to your soul., "Oh, uh, maybe next time then.," you say while hurriedly rushing by, but Natasha catches you by the arm, and you're now faced with her., "We're holding you to that.," you nodded dumbly, then when her hold softened you continued on your path to safety.

"Nat, we're trying to court her, not scare her.," Natasha chuckled., "Yeah, well your way isn't exactly working out that well, so a little bluntness may be just what we need."

That night you found yourself in a state of disarray, everything you had attempted to cook failed until all you were left with was instant ramen. Normally you'd be enjoying a feast for the God's prepared by the lovely Wanda, but alas she was out with Natasha for their anniversary dinner, and the compound of men decided it was every 'man' for themselves.

You were boiling your egg in an attempt to liven up the bowl when you heard this obnoxious slurping sound., "That was most delicious, thank you lady Y/N.," Thor boasted, followed up by a loud burp, and you turned to him with a scowl., "That was my dinner Thor!," the big oaf of a man shrunk when you shouted, being the shy little thing that you were hardly anyone had even heard you even speak above a whisper so this was clearly a shock to him.

The man looked like a wounded puppy, and you felt like absolute shit for yelling at him., "It's okay, I'm not even that hungry anyways.," you reasoned., "Sorry for yelling.," and just as you went to leave the kitchen you ran into a soft body, nearly tumbling backwards at the impact but a pair of strong hands gripped your shoulders to steady you. Viridescent eyes bore into yours when you looked up to see who it was and you gulped at the intense eye contact.

"Go sit, Natasha and I brought you dinner.," you went to rebut, but it died on your tongue when she heavily sighed., "Good girl.," you nearly tripped while following Natasha to the table and Wanda held back her snickering., "Thor, get out.," and poof the man was gone.

Natasha silently unloaded the bags while you sat with your eyes cast down staring at the hands in your lap as you picked at your thumb., "None of that dorogoy, your skin only just started to heal.," Wanda tuts, taking the space besides you she reaches over to take your hands in hers, and your breath hitches while your heart does gymnastics in your chest.

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