Pocket Full of Sunshine *YB*

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Yelena was a woman who usually got what she wanted, and never failed to be successful in the art of persuasion. Which is why she's currently stood before you, asking you to help her work on her motorbike. You'd looked to her with a frown though, because there's nothing you could really do to help her. Automobiles, and associated devices were not a skillset you could claim, but the deep pout she produced won you over—like it did every single time.

Yelena was the light in your life you'd never expected to find, and you could never say no. That's why you're sat on a spinning stool in the garage, handing her tools until she confirmed it was the one she was referencing. Her laughter was always quick to follow., "Y/N Y/L/N, I said a torque wrench, and you handed me pliers.," you huffed., "Yelena, I'm not a mechanic.," she craned up to look at you from below, stopping from twisting the nuts on her rims., "You should absolutely know what pliers are Y/N."

"I came here to help you, not be taunted.," you grumbled, then hastily left the garage, ignoring the girls calls in favor of heading to the kitchen. Obviously you were hangry, so you decided to make some food, and ever the remorseful one you settled on making a pot of mac and cheese. Yelling at Lena wasn't something that you did often, hardly ever actually, this is only being the second time. The only other time was when she ate your pint of ice cream while you were on your period. Fortunately for her at the time Tony had kept a secret stash after a time when Thor had made the same mistake and you were able to strike the fear of Zeus into the God.

Yelena too felt guilty, all she wanted was to spend time with you, but she upset you enough that you ran away. After about twenty minutes of desperately hoping you'd come back she settled on having to come to you to rectify it. She'd been halfway down the hall when she heard someone rounding the corner, and to her very hearts content it was you, with two bowls of an American delicacy in hand, and with her signature hot sauce under your arm.

Silently you nodded to the empty conference room you were both stood next to., "You go in, I'll go get us some drinks.," Yelena smiled at you, the sincerity in her eyes enough to make you swoon, and the spy knew just that, so she upped the ante with a peck to your cheek.

When she returned she saw you were waiting for her, refusing to eat without her like you always do, even when she tells you not to. It's such a simple thing, but it makes her feel like the luckiest girl in the world to know you. Settling your drink down in front of you she smiles softly when you squeal, excited by the fact that she brought you your apple juice., "Thank you Lena.," she chuckled when you wasted no more time digging into the pasta, humming in delight when the abnormally orange, processed cheese sauce settles over your tastebuds., "No hot sauce? Disgusting."

"I like my mac and cheese without pain.," you retort back, taking a sip of your juice to cleanse the palate you can't stop the hammering in your chest at the sight of the smiling woman. You also couldn't control your brain to mouth pipeline either, because once the cup left your lips you were actually admitting your crush., "Your smile brings me so much joy.," the way the blondes smile widened brought you a little comfort, even more so when her cheeks were turning a crimson hue at your soft confession., "Can I tell you a secret?," you nodded, her eyes twinkled in amusement, while your heart was fluttering in your chest as her hand settled over your knee., "It's all for you."

Yelena's lip instantly caught between her teeth, anxiously she awaited a response, but judging by the confusion on your face she feared she won't get it, at least not the one she wanted., "What's for me?," she softened at how innocent you truly are, completely aloof to how much her happiness depended on your proximity.

Most days she hardly even has anything nice to say to the people of the compound, let alone cracks a smile at them, but you're fortunately her soft spot, and there's nary a frown to be expressed by her whenever you're around. Though you were just a scientist, Tony had harassed you into staying at the compound, and with many others insistence you'd agreed. Never knowing it was for their own peace, because with you around the blonde is no longer shoving super soldiers down the stairs to test if they could "fly" too.

"Y/N.," she took a steadying breath, her next set of words were really going to change everything, and she had to prepare for the possibility that you didn't feel the exact same., "You're my happiness, the smiles, and laughter are all because you exist. Without you I'm just a nuisance.," she found your shocked face to be the cutest thing she'd honestly ever seen.

"You're not a nuisance Lena, maybe a tease, but nowhere close to annoying.," you were quick to shoot her down., "Ask anyone.," she retorted back with an accompanying snort., "I'm not in need of others opinions, you are my favorite person, and my brightest light source. Like my very own personal pocket sized sun.," your beaming smile made the former assassins heart warm, the sentiments you threw out only making the warmth spread all throughout.

"Well that's because you're the most precious thing around this place, and you deserve to be handled with the utmost care Y/N/N.," her hands were now on your hips, causing you to quirk your head to the side before getting your answer in an abrupt pull, causing you to squeal as she settled you onto her lap, to contradict her prior movement she'd laid her forehead to yours before whispering., "May I kiss you?"

"Please do.," you whimpered with need, and after breathily chuckling the blonde used a free hand to tilt your head to the side, and carefully planted her lips to yours, being as gentle as can be while the both of you tested out the waters. When you felt her tongue trace over your bottom lip you weren't afraid to show just how eager you were, instantly parting your lips and moaning once she deepened the kiss.

Yelena pulled away after you began to pant into her mouth, a little too worked up for the room the both of you were in, she smiled tenderly, then she cupped your warm cheeks to pull your forehead to hers., "Ty moye vse lyubimaya.," she smirked cockily, though you couldn't really see it, when your body shivered atop of hers., "YA dazhe lyublyu tebya bol'she, chem svoy pistolet i nozh."

(You are my everything sweetheart)
(I even love you more than my gun and knife.)

"Yelena, I have no clue what you just said, but I am almost certain you mentioned a gun, am I in some sorta danger now?," her head instantly threw back with wild laughter that followed, the kind that makes your bellyache after you've shared a meal with a beautiful girl. After she calmed down, she linked a hand with yours, then seriously looked you directly in your eyes., "Never with me krasivaya. You're always safe.," you leaned in, kissing her lips passionately, and the blonde sighed against your lips, using her strength she then hoisted you up, effortlessly carrying you to her room, but not before stopping in the kitchen to shove to spoons into, and grabbing the half full pot off the stove, which had her accomplishing her goal of making you break from the kiss to laugh.

It's truly one of her favorite sounds...


1,342 Words

4/13 romantic blurbs

❤️ Kaitlyn 🤪

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