Everything Comes at a Cost *WM**NR*

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Wanda x Vision (Established)
Natasha x Reader ; Wanda x Reader

An inconsolable ache had settled deep within your chest and had remained steadfast for the last week since you'd received the news, which only worked to add to your already heavy heart. Feeling the immense loss of your dearest cousin Loki, while listening to the impending doom the broken shell of a man—Thor—prophesied to the "entirety" of your team remaining on Earth.

Rhodey, and you were all that had remained at the compound most days after the Sokovia Accords aftermath, as you essentially were Switzerland in the whole debacle. That stupid disagreement nearly broke you, as you lost the majority of your found family, and had to say goodbye to the only women you'd ever loved.

Neither one of them ever truly belonging to you, but somehow your heart was theirs.

"Thor, you need to get some rest, if what you say is true then it would be best—."

"No, I must be preparing for the war that's headed our way, round up the team while I'm away Y/N!" He boasts, completely ignoring your logic in favor of some cryptic preparation.

You watched as he left almost nearly as fast as he'd arrived, so you instead turn to your closest adversary as of late.

"Alrighty then, looks like it's just the two of us once more." Rhodey humorlessly chuckles, and you turn to him with a guilty, scrunched up expression.

"Spoke too soon did I?" He questions as he realizes what's likely to come from your lips.

"Round up the team, you have the most pull anyways."

"I wouldn't say that..." He lightheartedly interrupts, and you playfully roll your eyes.

"While you do so I'm going to go visit an old friend of mine, one who could possibly provide me with some clarity on what's to come, and how best to stop it."  You continue, and he nods.

Then within a snap you're traveling the limited remains of the bifrost, as you seek out your mother—Freyr. Traveling through the bifrost is rather exhausting, as you're beamed through, having never truly grown accustomed to it no matter how many times you've traveled through it.

"Ahh, if it isn't my dearest daughter, to what do I owe the pleasure of your spontaneous visit? Shouldn't you be with your equally as clueless cousins on that wretched planet Earth. Tragedy really, that you willing dedicate your lives to the feeble existence that is mankind."

"Good to see you too mother, now, on to business. Asgard, as I'm sure you know, has been obliterated, and Loki's life was valiantly lost in said battle. I wish to avenge him, as well as to prevent any further catastrophe if at all possible. So, you're going to provide me with visions of the proposed future, and then I'll be on my way."

"What? No time for tea?" She jests, beckoning you to sit before her as she prepares her station for your desired rituals.

You scoff, then move to sit before your mother, freeing your mind of its stressors in an attempt to allow her in completely.

Natasha enters the compound with swift steps, followed closely by Steve, Sam, Wanda, and an obviously injured Vision. First thing she does is tightly hug Rhodey, but truthfully her heart, much like the Sokovian's, aches to see you.

"Where's Y/N?" The former assassin immediately asks, and Wanda's attention shifts to Rhodey as both of them look at him expectantly.

"She's not here, left a couple of hours ago actually, said she needed to visit an old friend of hers in search of answers to fix this mess."

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