Hollowed Oak: Welcome Home Angel *Soft!Dark WN*

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The drive out of the city was everlasting—four hours and twenty minutes to be exact, full of beautiful winding roads, and with every passing exit you felt your heart thumping with excitement. Around the halfway mark your body began to grow restless though, so as you've grown accustomed to doing since your youth you'd pulled off at Roscoe's diner.

The first time he'd taken you camping Richard had reluctantly pulled off the highway in a perturbed search of lunch for the three of you. It wasn't in the plans, but Jack just wouldn't stop whining about 'dying from starvation.' Your younger brother did always have a flair for the dramatics, and though it brought you many instances of laughter, it was also rather draining. It was something your father had instantly attributed to your mother, and you'd silently nod in agreement whenever he'd ramble inappropriately to you about her in the wee hours of the morning.

What was meant to be a once off stop had instead became a tradition over the years, and seeing as how you'd hardly had anything of the such to cling to, this one had stuck with you. Honestly, it had truly become a safe haven for you in your adulthood. Though you only came here twice a year the staff knew you well, and within minutes the chef would be in the back preparing your order.

Sitting there sipping on your mug of coffee you're observing the townspeople that entered while waiting for your food to arrive. Jealousy is the last thing you'd expect to feel, but every single time—without fail, it's what arises. Everyone that enters seems to have a genuine smile on their face, many of them have a hand to hold, and miniature versions of themselves to accompany their gleeful moods.

Suzy kindly smiles at you before she tops off your emptied mug, then she reaches behind herself to grab the entirety of your order. Selecting the "Pancake Lumberjack" sub the regular for chocolate chips, with your trio of meat—ham, bacon, sausage—and your scrambled eggs with cheese—your usual. Some might say it's a bit childish for a woman your age to select, but when you've lived a life as joyless as your own, sometimes the nostalgic meal is all you've got to cling to, plus—there's no age limit on food.

After paying the bill and leaving a sizable tip you leave with an aching heart, and a prepared to go box with a complementary lunch of a turkey and bacon club sandwich and loaded fries. You smile at the team before bidding them farewell and resettling back onto the road to Watkins Glen State Park. 

An overwhelming sense of peace overtook your body the moment that you stepped out of your beaten down truck and into the familiar woods. The smell of fresh rain soothed you as you took a deep breath in, picking up on the secondary aromas of the surrounding roses and trees. Endless miles of greenery surrounded you, while the sights of humanity remained sparse, just as you'd willed it to be—as it should be.

Slamming the trucks door shut you decided that your first order of business would be to hike the beautiful trails. Simply collecting the supplies you deemed necessary for your evening; grabbing your fishing rod, canteen and your cooler you felt content as you set off. Feeling the leaves crunch under the weight of your boots, while hearing the sounds of the birds chirping along with the rushing water of the nearby river brought a smile to your face, and a twinge of excitement to your heart. Somehow you'd remained blissfully oblivious as you never once catch sight of the pairs of eyes watching your disappearing form.

"She looks as beautiful as ever." Wanda dreamily states as they watch you trek up the hill in your tightly fitted sweat suit.

"Yeah, she's gorgeous, but even more so she looks sad, almost perfectly so don't you think?"

"Undoubtedly broken moya lyubov', and seemingly ready to be molded into our precious angel." Wanda concurs excitedly, while turning to stare up at her wife lovingly.

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