Love is a Dagger *KB*

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"Love is a dagger..., It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful until it makes you bleed. But ultimately, when you reach for it...."


It'd been obvious to you for awhile now that the holder of your heart was pulling away from you, that the once flourishing love you two had was nothing more than a pile of rubbish.

What hurt most was that it wasn't someone else that caught her eye, it was simply the loss of interest in you. Something you'd always expected, it's all you'd ever known really, how to be everyone's favorite fall back person. Everyone knew that they could count on you, but when you looked around a room full of your peers you didn't have the same luxury.

Kate, your greatest love, had been that person for quite some time now, until she too realized the world had so much more to offer her. You were simply her stepping stone to finding what she truly deserved, and that was the world...

Tears befell your cheeks as you sat in a booth with your now cold tea between your hands. Kate's laughter filled the establishment, and your heart clenched knowing it wasn't you that caused it, and it hadn't been you for awhile. The youthful archer was stood in the center of the club, dancing with her friends, and living it up while you sat at the table watching the bags.

Tonight was the night you planned to leave, and Kate was none the wiser as she held a conversation with everyone here besides you. There wasn't intentionality in her movement either, no purposeful malice, she just forgot you exist, and truth be told that was even worse. Being invisible had perks too, you listened as she boasted about how her life was going, all the promising things she has to look forward to that she never shares with you, and that seemingly didn't hold room for you either. That bit of information made you secure in your decisions to leave; she'd be quite alright.

After the party began to go from fun to messy you somehow reigned Kate's crazy form in. Ensuring her friends had safe passage home before carrying her out of the club, and then again into her townhome in Upper Manhattan. Sticking to the routine you bathed the woman, then got her snuggled into the bed before taking up the right side of the mattress until you were certain her breathing evened out.

Slipping out of bed was easy, the body that once clung to you like you were a lifeline now faced away from you, creating a space as if she were likely to be burned if she'd felt you. Fortunately for you she was far too drunk to hear you scuffling around the shared space, collecting your sparing belongings as you prepared to make your grand departure. This being the exact reason you chose tonight to leave, because even though the love was gone, you knew the dependency was strong, and she'd have pleaded with you to stay even when her entire being was screaming at you to go.

There was nothing left here for either of you, setting her free from the chain that was you weighing her down was a show of true mercy. For a final time you sat beside her on the bed, careful not to wake her up as you admired her sleeping features, and pushed her hair behind her ears., "I'll love you for as long my heart still hammers within my chest KitKat, but I can't stay, and watch as you continue to forget me.," you settled a kiss to her temple, missing the way her lips reflexively upturned at the action.

Too hard to see through your tears perhaps...

You locked the door as you left, then slid the key right back in through the mail slot, you no longer needed it, this was never truly your home. As you walked away you reckoned you never really had one, and that bitter reminder fueled your desire to make one of your own. One free of the societal standards of what it should be, devoid of a life outside of your own, with no one else's laughter there to fill the void.

Because, if life has taught you anything, it's that people always leave, and that love, well...


"...It isn't real."

740 Words

❤️ Kaitlyn 😳

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