Sibling Returns

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Kol's POV
"You four are so much in trouble," Rebekah says after realizing she was not winning against all four of us. "Ah yes, and Anna's 'Sweet flower' will just getting a warning," I tease her. She gasps dramatically. "Excuse me, her 'Wily fox' murdered people by the hundreds," Rebekah nearly growls back. "Her 'Little Wolf' put daggers in his siblings hearts," I say turning to Nik. "Wait, did she know," Rebekah asks Nik. I realize what she is talking about, Nik nods. "Mother threatened to kill her, when she confronted Mother about my lineage," Nik whispers. "She could not raise any suspicion so she gave me a nickname," I continue. "Then I complained until she gave me one as well," Rebekah mutters. "It only took you a thousand years but you finally figured it out," Anna says from behind us, and I suddenly feel incredibly guilty. Looking at Nik, I know he feels it as well. 

Rebekah breaks first, going to hug, Anna

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Rebekah breaks first, going to hug, Anna. "Søt blomst," she says returning the hug using Bekah's old nickname in our native tongue. Nik and I snort at the irony of Rebekah's nickname having to deal with Rebekah for the last thousand years but when both Anna and Rebekah glare at us we quickly back down. Elijah and Finn move to hug her next, "Noble Elijah, Quiet Finn," Anna says hugging them both. I am scared to move, and I know Nik is as well, the things we have done in the last 1,000 years she would not be proud of. "Slu rev, Lille Ulv," she says, I look up when she uses my old nickname meeting her eyes. "Give us the room," Anna says to Bekah, Finn and Elijah. With wave of her hand the doors close "What is it?" she asks


Looking at my to stubborn younger brothers, who are refusing to look me in the eye. "Shall I start guessing?" I ask and they both do not move. "You are afraid of what I think about your activities for the last thousand years," I tell them confident. They both turn their attention onto me, proving what I said. "You both lost things a thousand years ago, and are trying to get each other's attention," I say, and am again proven right, by them looking at each other. "Rebekah, stay in the house," I say interrupting our conversation. "Eyes on the back of her head, I swear," the three of us hear Bekah mutter. I smile lightly and so does Nik and Kol. "Come here little brothers," I say and we hug. "Now," I said with a wave of my hand, the door opened revealing our siblings behind it. "Rebekah, how would you like to plan a ball?" I ask her and as expected her eyes light up, and the boys groan. "Sister, I believe..." Kol starts. I give him a look, and Elijah saves him. "A ball sounds lovely, sister," he says. "In your honor," Nik adds on. Kol groans knowing that he lost, "Kol, do you not want to welcome your sister back into your life after a thousand years?" I ask him teasingly. "Of course I do, especially since she is my favorite," he responded cheekily. "Hey!" is Rebekah's expected response. "Kol, we will have none of that," I warn him with a look. 

Klaus's POV

Anna and Rebekah just left all four of us alone in the dining room. "Well that went well considering," Kol starts. I smirk at him, "You're right, she did not even seem that mad," I say. "Oh trust me I am upset," Anna says from the other room. "How does she know what we did?" Elijah asks. Kol shrugs, "She is Anna, she knows all," he replies. "You know I always felt that there was a voice in the back of my head. It sounded remarkably like Anna's," I say. "You too," Kol gasps dramatically. I roll my eyes, "Whenever I was about to do something stupid," I say. "Me too, I did what I would do when I was human," Kol says. "Ignore her and then later realize she is right?" Finn says pointedly. "Exactly," Kol says. Elijah and I laugh. "Boys," Anna says and we follow the sound of her voice. 

Entering the ballroom, "What have you been doing the last thousand years?" Kol asks Anna

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Entering the ballroom, "What have you been doing the last thousand years?" Kol asks Anna. "I have been watching you all from a supernatural bubble," she says offhandedly. Looking around all five of us have our mouths hanging open. "Oh, by the way. I am doing a protection spell on the night of the ball," Anna tells us. "Protection for what," Kol asks. "If there is any white oak left in the world, I want to protect my siblings," Anna snaps. Kol gulps guilty. "Do you know something that we don't," Kol asks our sister. "Not necessarily, I am the eldest, therefore I want to protect my siblings, is that so wrong," Anna says, attempting to guilt trip us into agreeing with her.

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