Sons United Against The Father

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Mikael's POV

To get to the bastard I must go after someone he cares about. I have seen Niklaus with a young witch so I decide to go after her. Granted most of the time when I see Niklaus with this young woman they are arguing but he has not killed her yet. She is the perfect target.

Kol's POV

All of the sudden, I feel something through my soulmate bond. I groan, Nik sees and comes over, "What's wrong," he asks. "Something's wrong with Davina," I say. "Let's go," he says, I nod and he helps me up. We both race to Davina's family cabin, "Darling," I call. "Ahh, you brought your brother," a voice says from behind us. "Mikael," Nik growls. "Niklaus, I hope that you did not care about her too much," he taunts. Nik rushes forward and punches him, Mikael moves out of the doorway and I rush into the cabin, "Davina," I call. I hear Mikael and Nik fighting, when I see Davina. "Come on, darling," I say giving her some of my blood. She groans, waking up.

All of the sudden, the sounds of fighting stop and I realize that Nik and Mikael are no longer fighting outside

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All of the sudden, the sounds of fighting stop and I realize that Nik and Mikael are no longer fighting outside. "I'm going to call my sister and brothers," I say. I call Bekah and she picks up, "What is it Kol," she says sounding annoyed. "Come to Davina's family cabin, and pick her up, please," I say. "Is everything okay," she asks. "No, tell Finn and Elijah to meet up with me because Nik went after Mikael," I tell her. "Oh my god," she whispers. "Don't tell Anna," I tell her. "Yeah, no kidding," she mutters.

Third Person POV

Mikael arrives at a warehouse and Klaus arrives on his heels. Klaus and Mikael continue to fight, and Mikael produces a white oak stake. Klaus does not back down like Mikael expected him to. Klaus and Mikael fight despite the threat of the White Oak stake. Mikael has Klaus pinned and tries to stake him when he is thrown.

Mikael turns back and sees Finn, Elijah and Kol with Klaus. Kol hands Nik a blood bag which he drinks quickly. "You stand with him, against me," He demands. "Yes," Kol says. "After what happened with Henrik," Mikael asks. Finn glares at Mikael, "You don't know what actually happened," he says. "Nik did not know that Henrik followed him," Kol adds.


Anna was wearing a white dress with a red rose crown woven in her hair

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Anna was wearing a white dress with a red rose crown woven in her hair. Rebekah and Annalee were walking, Henrik came bouncing over. "Anna, Bekah," he calls. "What's wrong," Anna says. "Nik is going to leave on the full moon and he is going to watch the wolves turn," Henrik says excitedly. Anna's eyes widen, "I want to go with him," Henrik adds. "Henrik, you can't go, because Nik is not going either," Anna tells him. Henrik nods defeated, "Okay," he says. "Rebekah, stay here with Henrik," Anna tells her. Rebekah nods.

"Niklaus," Anna says coming up to him and Kol. "Sister," he says. "Are you insane," she asks. "What are you talking about," Nik asks. "Henrik is all excited that you are going to see the wolves turn and he has it in his head that he is going with you," Anna says. Nik's eyes widen, "You are not leaving that cave," Anna demands before walking away.

Kol smirks, "Well, that went well," he comments. "Whatever, she is not my mother and I don't have to listen," Nik says. Kol turns to Nik, "Now I know that you are insane," Kol comments.

Kol's POV


Mikael realizes that he is outnumbered and runs, I turn and look at Nik. "You good," I ask. "Yeah, I'm fine," Nik dismisses. "How's Davina," Nik asks. "She's fine," I say. "Good," Nik says. "Let's go home," Nik says. "Yeah and by the way, you get to explain to Anna that Mikael went after you," Finn says to Nik. "Then again, we could stay out a little and get a drink," Nik adds. I laugh, "I have something to do," Elijah says. The three of us nod and leave the warehouse headed back to the compound as Elijah heads the other way.

Third Person POV


The moon was full and the family was hiding in the cave. Nik got up when he knew everyone was asleep to sneak out and when he got to the entrance he was stopped. He looked down and saw a line of salt, "Anna," he whispers. Nik goes over to Kol, "I need your help with something," Nik tells his brother. Kol sighs but follows his brother to the entrance of the cave, "What's the problem," Kol asks. "Well, I was going to leave and then I found this," Nik explains. "Well, when Anna wants something done one way she makes everything go that way," Kol says. "Give me your knife," Kol says. Nik hands it over, Kol slices his hand a little and the blood drops on the salt line, the spell drops and Nik leaves.

Kol goes back to his bed not noticing Henrik leave. Henrik catches up with Nik but also keeps quiet so that Nik does not notice. But when Nik begins to go back because the transition was over, he hears Henrik scream. "Bloody hell," he mutters, he starts running back towards the tree line. "HENRIK," he shouts.

In the morning, Nik brings Henrik back to the village. "Mother, Anna," he calls. Anna meets Nik outside their house, "You were right, I should have listened to you," Nik says starting to cry. "Bekah get Nik out of here," Anna tells her younger sister. "Finn, get them both of here please," Anna asks. Finn nods, "Come along," Finn says. He grabs Nik and Bekah and takes them away. Anna turns to Henrik, and she tries to do a spell. When the spell does not work she starts to get emotional, "Anna," Kol says. "The magic will be affected by your emotions," he says.

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