Sworn to Secrecy

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Caroline's POV

After Bonnie leaves, I go to find Klaus, "Hey," I say walking into a studio and seeing him. "Hello, love," he responds. "What was the tenth century like?" I ask. He laughs at me softly, turning to look at me and I get a peek of the painting he was working on, it was of me. "A thousand years ago, my siblings and I got along very well. We were always outside playing, Elijah and I teasing Kol and Bekah. Kol and Bekah would run to Annalee saying we were picking on them," he starts explaining. He smiles, "We had festivals constantly for different things, beginning of each season, worshiping the gods," Nik says. "The festivals were filled with dancing, and lots of food," he says. "Anna would cover for Kol and I when we were not entirely sober," he says after a moment. I smile, "Oh, so you and Kol were alcoholics before you were turned," I tease. He smiles, "Yes," hes says seriously. I look at him disbelieving, "You just admitted that to me," I say stunned. He smirks, "Here let me paint a portrait and I will tell you more," Nik bargains. "By the looks of it, you already have one started," I tease. He turns to the canvas and back to me, and tries to make an excuse, "It's fine. I mean no one has ever done that for me before," I say. 

"The tenth century was very different," he starts explaining again as he sets up a new canvas

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"The tenth century was very different," he starts explaining again as he sets up a new canvas. "Marriage was supposed to be the beginning, both people were supposed to be virgins. It was dishonor if they were not," he says. "Does that mean you were a virgin?" I ask. He smirks, "No," he says after a moment. "Did you take some poor girls virtue," I ask almost appalled. "Not exactly," he says starting to mix the paints. I think for a moment before gasping, "You had sex with a married woman," I whisper shout. He rushes over and puts his hand over my mouth, "Only Annalee and Kol know," he says quickly. "Wait, how did Kol find out," I ask. "Kol found out because he is the nosy, cheeky little brother," a voice says from behind me. I turn and see Kol leaning against the doorframe, Nik groans. "You caught them," I ask him. "Did Nik tell you who it was," he counters. I turn to Nik and he sighs, "She was Anna's friend," he breathes. "Oh my God," I mutter under my breath. "You are not that much of a saint," Nik says to his brother. When I turn to Kol, I notice how wide his eyes got. "You said you wouldn't say anything," Kol says glaring at his older brother. Nik smirks, "Kol you know Nik and Caroline cannot have a moment if you interrupt them," Rebekah says walking into the room with Anna following. "Nik slept with Moriah," Kol says. Rebekah gasps and turns to Anna who rolls her eyes at her younger brothers. "Kol slept with Laurena," Nik retorts. Kol turns slowly and glares at Nik and both of his sisters gasp. "You were sworn to secrecy," Kol growls. Nik smirks, "So were you," Nik says. 

Anna and Rebekah leave and Kol, Nik and I follow

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Anna and Rebekah leave and Kol, Nik and I follow. We end up in the living room, "You two," Rebekah starts. "Did you know that Nik slept with Moriah and Kol slept with Laurena," Rebekah asks her older brothers. Elijah smirks, and after a moment both of them nod. "Rebekah," Anna says. "Elijah slept with Shania, and Finn slept with Reannon," Anna says. "So all four of my brothers slept with someone in your friend group," Rebekah says. All four boys smirk, "Bekah you are not exactly innocent," Anna says. Nik growls, "What do you mean, Bekah is not innocent," Kol asks. Rebekah purses her lips, "Well, Rowan," she says simply. Kol's eyes widen and Nik looks like he is failing for words. "Rowan, my best friend," Kol says slowly. "No, the other Rowan we knew," Rebekah says sarcastically. "So Henrik was the angel of our family," Anna says. "Darling, I think you already knew that were definitely not angels," Kol says. 


So all of Anna's brothers slept with one of her best friends. 

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