Playing Tricks on the Ancestors

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Rebekah's POV

Anna starts the spell to create two Davina's to trick the ancestors. While she is doing the spell she explains everything to Kol and Davina. "The duplicate will have magic and will be able to talk," Anna says. "I will need your help in transferring the Harvest magic into the duplicate though," Anna adds. "Søt blomst, Éloite filante, I need you to pack some things for Davina, Kol and I," she tells us. We both nod and go start packing. 

Davina's POV

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Davina's POV

Anna grabs one of my hands and one of the duplicate's hands. I follow her lead. Anna looks to Kol, "Im A Pran Khos Suptia Jhem Ai Pada Khe Rassatam. Im A Pran Khos Suptia Jhem Ai Pada Khe Rassatam. Im A Pran Khos Suptia Jhem Ai Pada Khe Rassatam. Ai Pada Se Rassatam. Ai Pada Se Rassatam. Ai Pada Se Rassatam. Ai Pada Se Rassatam," he says. I realize that is the incantation, Anna starts chanting and I join her. "Im A Pran Khos Suptia Jhem Ai Pada Khe Rassatam. Im A Pran Khos Suptia Jhem Ai Pada Khe Rassatam. Im A Pran Khos Suptia Jhem Ai Pada Khe Rassatam. Ai Pada Se Rassatam. Ai Pada Se Rassatam. Ai Pada Se Rassatam. Ai Pada Se Rassatam," we chant together. When we stop, I fall into Kol's arms and the duplicate groan falling back into the bed. I smile realizing that despite the ancestors messing with my magic, I was still able to do impressive spells. As if on cue, the winds turned to a torrential downpour.

Klaus's POV

After Anna creates the duplicate and helps Davina channel some magic, she comes downstairs to the wind and rain storm that has been going on. Sophie left and she turn to us. "This plan must stay between us, no one else can know," she says. "At least until after they think that it is complete," Anna tells us We nod agreeing, "I will see you all in a couple of weeks, all right," she asks. We hug her and say goodbye to Kol and Davina. After we say goodbye, Caroline comes to me. I hug her knowing that being pregnant has messed with her hormones. 

Marcel comes to the compound hearing about the Harvest festival being completed

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Marcel comes to the compound hearing about the Harvest festival being completed. "I saved her from this, I'm not going to let you just throw it away," Marcel argues. "The plan is already in motion," Elijah argues. He goes upstairs to see Davina, or the duplicate of her. 

Anna's POV

"Where are we headed," Kol asks as we leave New Orleans

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"Where are we headed," Kol asks as we leave New Orleans. I look to see Davina asleep. "In 1919, Nik, Elijah and Rebekah spent a Christmas in Arkansas," I tell him. "There is a small cottage and a bit open space for a young witch to start learning," I tell him and he nods. 

Marcel's POV

I leave the Mikaelson compound with Davina knowing that I can rescue her from their insane plan. I take her to the ports, "How do you feel," I ask. She groans, "I had a dream," she whispers. "Tell me about it," I say. "It was Kol, and he told me that he loved me," Davina says. I roll my eyes, the Kol I know does not love anybody but himself. "He does," a voice says from behind me. We turn to see Rebekah and a man that I don't know. "But you need to feel better first," she says. Davina sighs and nods. 

After Rebekah and the man leave, Davina insists on me taking her to the City of the Dead

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After Rebekah and the man leave, Davina insists on me taking her to the City of the Dead. When we arrive the entire place bursts into flames, "Fire," Sophie whispers. Finn gives Elijah a look and rolls his eyes. 

Sophie's POV

We as the witches won

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We as the witches won. We are allowed to complete the Harvest ritual. But something does not feel totally right. I say the spell to raise the four girls but it does not work. I try again, and I get the same result. I kneel down to my nieces body. For a moment I see Marcel glare at the Mikaelsons before leaving. 

Third Person POV

The Mikaelsons and their mates arrive at the compound to see an angry Marcel already there. "I told you," he mutters angrily. Nik rolls his eyes. Seeing this, Marcel punches him in the face. "Our sister did a spell," Finn starts. "What kind of spell," Marcel ask. "A spell that would trick the ancestors," Zachary says. "Davina is alive," Niklaus says. "We all saw her throat get slit," Marcel argues. Elijah rolls his eyes and calls Kol. "Yes, brother," Kol answers. "Marcel is having a hard time believing that Davina is still alive," Elijah says. "Of course he is," Davina mutters. Kol laughs at Davina's attitude. "How is this possible," Marcel whispers upon hearing her voice. 


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